Multiboxing thread that I am looking for a blue response

i’ve never liked the description they have under there. multiple topics about the same thing is something i would consider spam, if not the main definition i would use


i stand corrected. i havent seen them post on anything other than ez mode threads in well over a year though.

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no…just a moving the mouse cursor between monitors. Lighting fast, actually.


I’m sure you could, but will it be worth your time doing so?

Also sounds like carpal tunnel hell.

Boxing was allowed starting when and during when? The height of the games popularity?
doesnt seem like boxing was the problem with the game literally AT ALL, lol

Blizzard is on a crash and burn run here the last couple years with these constant annoying, pointless nerfs that havent even slowed the bots down…again, lol.

So now they decided to trash the rest of the boxing community…which again CANNOT have been as big a deal as they have existed throughout the games duration from what I can tell.

Seems to me that theyve trashed the game for many players with pointless nerfs…trashed the game for many other players with the restructuring of the entire old world…trashed the game for many players with crap like removing master loot…trashed the game for players like me with all the little garbage like loot-a-rang nerfs…and now the next step in game trashing, irritating boxers who arent actually causing the massive problems some in here like to pretend they have.

Seems like this game is literally on self destruct mode to me at this point.
Where are those sub numbers?
Id love to compare them in 60 days after the boxers have gone on to other games and compare those sub numbers to the height of the games popularity and see if boxers were ever actually causing any of the games REAL issues, lol.

Something tells me this is just one more BAD decision by blizzard thats going to drive the playerbase desire to play the game further into the dumpster.


Anyone else finding it hilarious that Blizzard is like one step away from “You know what? Multiboxing is banned”, going so far as to include a clause that could include literally everything as a violation. Rather than that community going “Maybe we should cool it, and give up this obviously increasingly illegitimate strategy…”, they just immediately do what they did last time, try to find loopholes to continue cheating.

I hope we get a bunch of cry posts in GD in the coming months, about how they were banned for trying to toe the line, again.


It’s pretty simple I think.

If you have 5 clients running, and you have 5 toons running around and you stumble upon an herb node, you better be right clicking the mouse 5 times, one in each window.

If you want to cast a spell, you need hit the hot key 5 times, once in each window.

Simply, 1 player action per toon action.

Where most players have a single toon, 1 player action = 1 toon action.

Multi boxers have multiple toons, so need to have N player actions for N toons.

If you’re not doing that, you’re violating something.


Everything is perfectly acceptable, only clarifying the accuracy of your post :slight_smile:

I agree, all their definitions are wacky lol

yes, it was ‘worth’ my time…and i ran four accounts on this garbage desktop with a 79 dollar video card, lol.
It was just too much to keep track of for my liking.
If I enjoyed boxing as others do, Id still be doing it.

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Blizzard had been fine with multiboxing for at least the better part of 13 years, boxers may have been present during vanilla but the earliest data I could fine was in 2007.

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Exactly how I did it.
The only ‘automation’ I used was an in game macro to /follow.
No need to even bother with addons if one is just farming.

They’re very likely being vague because they don’t want to get into some inane debate with people trying to figure out some loophole to keep doing what they’re doing when the clear intent of Blizzard’s actions is to tell people to cut it out. :laughing:

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Just thinking about makes my hand cramp lol. if it was worth it for you that’s all you really need.

But blizzard deem it enough of a thorn to finally cap it. Whether its to curb bots.(which honestly won’t do) or enough complaints from other people. (whether in game reports or on the forums.)

interesting. Im looking at the sub chart now and 2007 was absolutely during the climbing sub numbers…all the way thru BC and leveling out in Wrath.
Doesnt seem that boxing was causing that much of a problem. Bet we could find complaints in the forums then blaming boxers for locusts and botulism then too, lol.

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just getting it all going each day is enough to make one quit, lol.
It was worth it in some regards the short while I did it…but not enough to make me want to keep doing it.
I honestly enjoy one character at a time…but Im not so far out there that Im going to get bothered by someone who wants to run 10 characters at a time. Doesnt affect my game at all.

Right, up to now multiple actions per player actions were tolerated through assorted mechanisms. Now, it’s more explicit that’s not allowed.

And that’s where the multiboxing advantage kicked in especially in combat, particularly in PvP. The cognitive load of managing multiple toons goes up geometrically when things get dicey.

Imagine having to jump from window to window to hit TAB-1 to tab target whatever is attacking you and fight back, and that’s the simplest use case.

Multi clicking a node is one thing, coordinating combat , even with a mob, is something else.

I’ve had carpal tunnel in the past. Using a mouse normally does not cause carpal tunnel. And moving your mouse across 1 or more monitors is how people who have multiple monitors use their computers.

They still have at least one community manager, but he rarely shows up in the forums. I have no idea what his other duties might entail.

I only do stealth teams now. People have been led to believe that all multiboxing, including nothing more than having a team leader and the others on follow, is bannable, and they have been encouraged to report and harass players who are doing just that. In the forums players are encouraging other players to falsely report multiboxers who are clearly not violating any rules.

More likely edited with a note.

So two posts on the same topic, one inadvertently moved to the forum where the other one, counts as “spam”? Should all threads that are in any way duplicate topics be deleted after the first?

I never did it, but i don’t care if people have more than one account. only thing i cared about is if it one 1 action per 1 char.

Not pressing 1 key and have it simulate more than one key press to all windows.

Well like usual things seems to spiral out of control. From the research i did and the GM i spoke to today dont use no software whatsoever for multiboxing. Dont use jmb, or wow open box or any other app that could launch the client. Also do not use addons such has ema or mama. Basically open up each window through battlenet, resize and only use mouse hover over to activate which is a basic windows 10 function. Create in game macros and thats it. No auto follow addons period!!! This might be a little overkill on this i just wanna put it out here.


My carpal isn’t from just computers alone. Holding a chef’s knife for more than 2 decades for 8-12 hrs a day is my main culprit.