Multiboxing thread that I am looking for a blue response

haha i can’t wait to come back and laugh when GD finally succeeds in getting druids removed from the game


Boxing and Botting are two sides of the same coin… someone trying to cheat the system and gain an advantage. It is high time Blizzard takes more concreate steps towards eliminating both.

The new rules do not go far enough. It is time to change the way follow works. For example you cannot follow someone who is following someone else and a character cannot be followed by more than one person.

Boxing really wasn’t a problem until the leather and mail legendary pieces required a somewhat rare hide. And the boxing boomie bot squads were born.

I know the difference between bots and boxers.

Boxers were a rare site on my server until this expansion. They never really did anything to get in my way or steal tags.

Bots on the other hand, have always had a presence, running patterns gathering, getting stuck in loops trying to return to the quest giver, and can’t use stairs.

The boomie squads do both, work in unison running a big circle pattern spamming star fall and moon fire on any and all targets in range, while only one guy loots and skins. Always in an area with a fast spawn rate. You simply couldn’t compete with them, they tagged all of it.

You can thank those guys for the death of boxing.

no…theyre literally not…and you all conflating the two is why no one takes you seriously on this topic.
ONE is PLAYING the game…the other is NOT.
Seems pretty stinking simple to me…

wrong…YOU can box any time you choose. I know because I did it.
you dont get to choose not to drive a car then get upset if someone else chooses to…sorry.

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They can box any time they want…and they can druid any time they want.
Blizzard catering to this crap is as bad than catering to the political mobs.

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you know things are wild when you and i are on the same side of an issue :laughing:

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Feels like that cancel culture is working its way into the forums…Oh, wait it has been here for a long time now.


They won’t respond to these type of threads lol, heck they hardly respond at all to anything :rofl:

i guess one can still multibox with 2-3 computers and 2-3 sets of kb/m which they all control individually. you just wont be doing simultaneous actions.

sounds ethical enough.

You are sooner to get struck by lightning than a blue responding.

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I like my chances lol

Yes it is. A boxer with 10 toons is controlling 1 character and 9 are robotically following commands. The 9 are no different than a bot.

You are too close to the problem to see the damage. It is the army of toons that Bots and multiboxers control that is the problem… the subtle difference of where the first keystroke originated is not the issue. Whether you or a script initiated the keystroke is irrelevant. The fact that 10 toons level in the same time is as one, or gold or mats are gathered at accelerated rates; or simply that the multiplayer content is trivialized are just a few of the problems the existence that mirrored-multiboxing causes.

Seems to be exactly that.

The multibox-part of this equation just upsets you, but you don’t make rules.

Boxing by itself does not cause all these you and others blame it for, those are bad players…just like you.


lmao…just you saying its no different guy proves that you havent got a clue what youre talking about.
Boxing is PLAYER CONTROLLED, like that fact or not…
Botting is AI controlled…a script…programming…ie NOT a human player literally running around playing the game.
So …NO…its NOT the same thing.
Not even in the same universe as the same thing.

no…guy…im not. I havent boxed in a long time.
That you cannot prove your case says nothing about me or my position


This isnt about ethics.
Its about what the game maker allows in their game.
It really is that simple.

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Im so tired of this game anyway. Not playing has been good for the soul :grinning: