I don’t like MBing either, but like I’ve seen maybe 3 MBers in my entire WoW career that has spanned 13 years (2007)
Is it really that bad?
And yeah, people still try to say it isn’t P2W but like… Buy WoW tokens > sell for gold > buy bis 475 ring with R3 IS. That’s the literal definition of P2W lmao
Nope. They embrace the dollars and their actions speak volumes. They have always used 3rd party software. Your problem is them emptying nodes instantly, so ask for that to be addressed instead.
It was never profitable to multibox up until BFA. Two changes ultimately caused this: The removal of PvP servers, and personal loot. Multiboxing would no longer be profitable if it could be disrupted via PvP, or if it didn’t provide them with a 400% boost on gold per hour.
If blizzard was selling ‘account upgrades’ in the store that boosted your loot and ability to use resource nodes by 2x, 3x, 4x, and 5x for 15/30/45/60 extra a month, would it be pay to win? Because that is what multiboxing does at the end of the day, with a little bit of 3rd party software thrown in to control the extra accounts.
MY problem is that there is an in-game economic advantage to multiboxxing. Remove their ablity to get 400% more loot in general, and I don’t care what multiboxxers do.
Force them to pair accounts, and disable loot on all but one. Let them run around a thousand different accounts at that point. Their impact on the game as a whole will be back to minimal. The incentive to multibox deleted.
Or if you don’t want to single them out, remove personal loot from non-raid non-dungeon boss content. A side benefit would be deleting the cheesy 4x2 farm groups that are really just pale imitations of what multiboxxers do 24/7 in the best farm spots.
Worst case scenario in a board game is no one wants to play anymore. In WoW there are varying degrees of enforced punishment; obviously nowhere near as serious as imprisonment but punishment nonetheless.
There is only pretty much one valid reason for me as to why I dislike multi-boxing.
I don’t care if “my immersion” is ruined by seeing 6 shamans holding each others tails and walking in a line.
I don’t care if you steal my node(s).
I don’t care that you’re farming xmogs.
I really don’t care about a lot of things.
But, the minute I see 6 shamans multiboxing owning people, (for instance) the battle for naz, I can’t help but be annoyed a little.
They forked out the money, they can play however they want to. What I don’t like about it is those 6 shamans defending that flag only need to press 1 key to summon 6 lava bursts.
That’s not what multiboxing does. You have to pay for, level up, and gear up, all these extra accounts. Then you also have to set them up for multiboxing. It’s not like you wave a magic wand and suddenly start getting extra resources.
People fixate on the software they suppose boxers use, when it can be done without any boxing software at all - as has been explained over and over in these threads.
Blizzard selling account upgrades would be nothing like leveling and gearing your own character(s). Why not go the whole hog in irrelevancy and point out an asteroid hitting the Earth would be bad, so therefore multiboxing is bad?
But that doesn’t make them laws. It just makes the rules with harsher penalties. If I make a bot and get my account banned. I haven’t broken the law. I violated term of service agreed up by myself and Blizzard when I started playing and they, as a non governmental organization, are refusing me their product because of that breach of contract.
Yes that would be pay 2 win, you are paying for an advantage to a single character.
It is not the same, one give a single character more power for money, the other is playing more than one character and funneling everything to a single account. They are VERY different.
A multiboxer who knew how to make profits was profitable from the beginning, it’s no different than it is now. There are big name boxers on twitch who boxed in vanilla, and I’m sure they would love to tell you about it if you ask. It did become less financially burdensome though when the token was introduced way back in 2015.
As far as this hypothetical “account upgrade” goes, that is nothing like multiboxing because it requires no extra work - which multiboxing actually requires.
I’ve always heard that MBers are disadvantaged at pvp? I don’t know, I avoid pvp like its toddler with a booger, but that’s what I’ve always heard in the past.
Your gonna have to explain how getting 4 other accounts in a group getting loot funneled to you is cheating/pay to win but 4 other people in your group and have the loot funneled to you is not somehow.
Honestly, what multiboxing does differently then getting other people together and do the same thing?
Lets not forget the fact that were calling something “pay to win” that normally requires you to have a really great (depending on how much you’re running with) or more then 1 computer and asks you to play very differently and work with a program. I don’t know about you, but i just view it as a ripoff if were calling it P2W. I mean, take WoW Tokens for example. You pay real money for it, you get gold ingame. You can make the argument that because you can turn it into bnet balance, it protects it from being Pay 2 Win, but that’s the thing, without it, it is just that cause this is a clear cut example of paying real money to obtain fake money which functions no different from GTA online’s shark cards and such.
Multiboxing, well what do you need?
You need another sub and buy the expansion.
A good set of hardware or more.
a Separate program to control it all and copy it’s keystrokes to other hardware and such.
The reason why i call it a ripoff or crap p2w cause you can just get people to help you to do the same exact thing but cheaper.
And before you pull the wiki up, Yes $700 for a good computer to allow you to play 5 instances of wow in this day and age, isn’t a lot of money. It’s way too much for a P2W. Espeically again, you get just get your friends to do it for you.
Well, the more likely reason that this is the gazillionth thread that accuses multi-boxing as p2w. These things are just spam at this point.
If it is really P2W, wouldn’t their be a bigger revolt then just WoW’s community against this since gamers in general have a huge disdain against P2W already?
If it’s actual botting then Blizzard would already banned them by now.
Well, really think about it. Multi-boxing, for all intents and purposes is just essentially cloning yourself.
Without getting into another math explanation, people vary in skill level, and they can be either be better, worse or equal to the multi-boxer. And the multi-boxer is just one guy, copied multiple times. That means the main’s skill level will be reflected to 4 other accounts.
And if you are smart and know how to take one of them out by going to their main or healer, they will usually fall apart.
Wait, this is a different subject altogether, your talking about WoW Tokens.
Well, refer to my comment about that above.
Also refer to my comparison to multiboxing and group of friends.
I’m no economist, but i do somewhat understand where your coming from where cheap mats are bad for the seller. to some, getting money is the motivation to continue providing the service. As a perspective of a buyer/consumer, i find that to be a good thing for me cause i can get them cheaper.
Again, refer to my comparison to multiboxing and group of friends.
Then get friends or your guildmates to help. Really not that hard.