Profitability wasn’t really relevant in Vanilla being there were no tokens or personal loot, it just made farming BoEs easier if anything.
uh huh. sure you feel bad.
do you really think this freud stuff will work?
I assure you it wont.
MBers enjoy the game how they play it. How you feel about it doesnt matter to them…
I have this nauseating image of you salivating as you contemplate physically punishing “cheaters”.
I’m sure you could find a healthier obsession.
Lol, I’m rolling Venthyr in SL, maybe Blizz will let me punish them in game
funny thing with that is…I dont even MB very good and Im sitting here thinking of at least two ways I could easily MB in ESO and they couldnt figure it out in the first place.
I like ESO, however, and I dont cheat in games. I obey the rules AS written.
OH NO…now they know our dirty monk secret
Nice trolling post by insulting the OP
The why don’t Mboxers do that?
Is it because Mboxing is so much more effective and efficient? Especially over the long term?
Could that be?
Do you really believe that multiboxxers do more than the most basic gear up for their alts? At best they’re throwing on 400 ilvl boe gear for a grand total of like 30k gold. Everything after that is funneled DIRECTLY into their main.
Again, they are paying more money (or wow gold once they get going) to have access to more loot than another singular player would have on only one account. I’m not sure how more basic I can make this explanation, there is no difference at all between a multiboxxer using 5 accounts for 5x the loot, than if Blizzard offered a player the ability to get 5x the loot using one account.
BLIZZARD is the one who made it so you can have EIGHT wow accounts per Bnet.
BLIZZARD is the one whose game launcher allows for MULTIPLE INSTANCES of it…
BLIZZARD is the one who set that up so MBing can even happen.
Sorry but Blizzard isnt being taken advantage of here.
Isn’t that what PVP is for? XD
Fair enough. Even if I did MB, I wouldn’t do it in ESO… then I would have to play ESO. Yea, I went there lol.
Weak argument
except that anyone here can farm gold to buy tokens to pay for multiple wow accounts.
I made enough in a week on ONE character just farming mists content to buy THREE tokens…pets, mogs…anything else that sold.
so no one here is a victim.
ANYONE can do it if Im smart enough to
What do you mean? MB’s already have 4 other accounts to do the same thing as the main guy is doing?
Can you explain how it’s more effective and efficient?
Because i would just get the same results from asking my friends/guildmates.
It’s still an extra character they have to keep track of. It’s not like they’re magically welded to your main character and can never get lost.
You could start by making an accurate explanation instead of oversimplifying things so you can keep pretending to have a point.
Yea, I mean… it’s definitely an advantage. It’s just one that’s allowed in game. I mean, it’s an advantage to sell tokens. Hell, if you want to be really pedantic, it’s an advantage to be able to afford a higher end computer that runs the game better/more efficiently.
The fact that it is an advantage doesn’t necessarily mean that it shouldn’t be allowed.
Never said they were. They’re in on the con. Let’s go back up to the OP again, shall we?
and technically even on one single wow account you could run those 2000gold runs with enough 120 characters and make more than enough to buy tokens to play for free.
Blizzard has made it so the poorer players CAN play this game free of charge…even with multiple wow accounts.
so now youre being conned by blizzard?
dude…go find another game if you feel like youre being ripped off. lol
So you’re telling me that you have guild mates who would willingly stand in one place for hours at a time, farming and funneling everything to you? Because that’s the ‘more effective and efficient’ that people are trying to point out to you.
If one player can make 5k gold an hour with farming, a multiboxxer can make 25k. A group of friends splitting the loot is still only going to make 5k a person, even if they are “killing more stuff”.
“But it costs more to pay for 5 accounts instead of one!” - You’re right, but with greater income they end up paying for their accounts at the same pace as a solo player (maybe a little faster due to their ability to force spawn areas much better, and a few other efficiencies gained by killing things faster). After the maintenance costs, they just straight up make more profit per hour, full stop.