Multiboxing = Pay to Win

I never said it was cheating. That’s a word that came from the Vulpera’s mouth. I said it was an unfair pay-to-win advantage.

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I guess you do know a lot about it.

Doesn’t feel like cheating to me. It’s just another type of challenge to deal with. It’s the same feeling I get when a top tiered min/maxer player is doing everything the best way, and I’m here just being a casual.

Are you serious, or are you caricaturing anti-boxers?

Picking herbs does not make you a mythic raider, no matter how many you pick.

You’re another one of that Vulp’s alts aren’t you. I like you.

You kind of implied it with the post I was responding too, but okay fair. I agree that it’s an advantage. I can even sympathize that you think it’s unfair. Edit: I do want to stress that I don’t know if I consider it p2w. I can see the logic, but I don’t think I agree.

No It’s not. You can think it’s unfair all you want. That’s perfectly reasonable, but something has to be against the rules to be considered cheating. Unfair/cheap doesn’t equal cheating. Words have meanings.

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Maybe I should be more literal in my context.

That’s literally the definition of cheating. Cheating doesn’t require that any sort of rule be broken.

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This statement confuses me. Cheating is breaking the rules for personal gain.

They don’t like to hear words like that. They cannot even wrap their tiny brains around the facts/rules provided by Blizzard. Most can’t even tell a bot from a boxer or just think they’re the same thing; how would expect these haters to even begin to comprehend that more than half their “complaints” are baseless and/or based on false pretenses.

Even their forum posts seem to mimic bot-behavior; thread gets opened, runs for a few days, then gets locked/deleted. Within minutes, they have jumped on another alt to get back to trolling their dribble.

They also want other players to think boxers are “terrified” of losing their “outrageous advantage”. If it was an outrageous advantage, it would’ve been dealt with already. And last time I checked, it’s still just a game, and nothing about it scares me in the slightest. The terrified ones are the players who - repeatedly post their overblown emotions/opinions as “fact”; are quick to lash out to any who don’t agree with their lies; make constant blanket statements about other players and actions as if their words are god’s truth.

And does anyone notice how a lot of these threads pop up in the morning? Like right after the bot-master woke up and realized a boxer had come through and disrupted his nightly ritual of auto-farming herbs.

Sorry, but the bots in this thread ARE NOT the boxers defending their playstyle. It’s the naysayers claiming all kinds of ridiculous technical crap (showing that they have little to no knowledge of simple game functions, let alone how MBing works) and how it’s such a detriment to “their” game. Give us a break…

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hmmm… idk about that

I would argue that multiboxers are far less likely to bot because they don’t want to risk all of their accounts being banned.

I’m not a multiboxer and I flag these threads as spam, which they are.

I’m terrified of the staggering amount of misinformation that the anti-multiboxers spew.


Cheating can involve rule breaking, but it isn’t premised on it.

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In the most literal definition, yes you can use cheating, but that’s not really how common parlance works. Cheating is the act of breaking the rules in a way to give yourself and advantage. The rules aren’t being broken here. It’s not cheating in the way we understand that word usage in modern conversation.

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“Grouping up is cheating, it’s just not against the rules”. See how silly that sounds?

Saying that breaking the law is cheating sounds silly also.

/afk or war mode off /thread.

Also, the game became P2W once they allowed the legal sale of gold.

In case you missed it, the war mode thing isn’t the sole reason why MBing is bad.

And yes, but again, that’s a worm singularity that I’m not opening right now.

But we’re not talking about laws. We’re talking about rules and terms of service agreements.

Laws and rules are different

The word you were probably looking for is “tolerated”. And that was before personal loot, and multi tap resource nodes created such an abnormal incentive to multibox.

Their impact on the game was minimal up until BFA, they’re now disrupting the game for everyone else via 3rd party software.


This is like my mother who used to accuse me of cheating in Scrabble back when I was a kid, because I had an eidetic memory and had memorized the 4" thick family dictionary.

According to her, if she couldn’t do it, it was cheating, and rules were irrelevant.