Lol, people don’t spend dozens of hours a week farming quillrats if they’re barely breaking even.
All I’m saying is that as a non monk, not having Black Ox Statue for farming is a massive disadvantage. It’s not unfair though, and that’s the point. There are advantages and disadvantages all throughout this game - it’s not some homogeneous utopia where everything is equal and fair. Sure MB have an advantage in one area in the game, but it’s not some all encompassing advantage even in the context of gold making. There are plenty of gold making avenues that would be hard to utilize as a multiboxer, and heading over to WoW Economy on reddit you can find BOAT LOADS of posts about successful non-multiboxers who’ve made their millions and even share how they did it! Outside of gold making, I don’t seem to recall multiboxers dominating in Ranked PVP, Mythic dungeons/raids, world first leveling, etc… so this is not some holistic unfair advantage we’re talking about.
Why? Why would you feel bad for them?
Some people can’t afford to do it so I would say that it is unfair.
I think someone else already said a few popular MMOs that ban for it.
ESO and FF I think. Against TOS.
So there is definitely an issue whether or not you’re willing to acknowledge it.
I am very satisfied with one account, one monitor… I just feel bad, that someone thinks they need multiple accounts to enjoy WoW.
ESO yes.
FF no.
But again, I respect that you can think it’s unfair. I just don’t think it’s bad enough to be a bannable offense.
Also, I don’t think either side is going to get Blizzard to care one way or another.
I feel bad that other people can’t enjoy a game if other people aren’t playing in a way that they think is correct. I guess it’s just a big old pity party in here.
I cannot afford to buy a Tesla Roaster, I’m not whining that it unfair.
Not at all.
You’re accusing people playing within the (explicitly stated) rules, of cheating, just because you think they shouldn’t do anything that gives them an advantage.
The monk dailies available while leveling give one a huge advantage in being able to level faster, and one has the added advantage of a second hearthstone. When making 11 alts to camp Pandaria pet tamers, I made them all monks, because of these outrageous advantages.
Couple this with having 2 great speed boosts which make any form of gathering or archaeology a breeze, the toughness and ability to kill enemies ultra fast, and it’s easy to see why other players might get jealous and whine and accuse players of cheating for playing monks.
Why do you feel bad? Why do you even care?
Except, while Monk is something Blizzard explicitly put into the game completely made to their whim, multiboxxing is an emergent activity that was not purposely put into the game by any one person.
Of course nobody is going to say that Monk is cheating. They can say that Monk needs nerfs (lol), but not that something Blizzard themselves put into the game is cheating.
Just a little comment reminding you that MBers also really help transmogers too. (If that’s something the MBer is into doing.)
So, let me get this straight.
If you’re a person with lots and lots of money, you can just ignore progression and go straight to end game because you have a credit card with a high limit.
But if you’re a person who can barely make the $15 a month WoW sub payment, you’re stuck at bottom tier until you get lucky enough to farm a single herb?
Blizzard explicitly allowed multiboxing in vanilla ToS, and throughout multiple revisions haven’t removed it so no, it has been explicitly allowed and is not an emergent activity.
Some people can’t afford to play at all. Some can’t afford tokens or shop mounts. Some can’t afford new expansions.
How do you suggest Blizzard make the game fair to everyone, even if they can’t pay?
Besides, haven’t you been following this thread at all?
According to the anti-multiboxers here you make massive amounts of gold by multiboxing, and all your game fees can be paid with gold, so anyone can play for free just by taking a bunch of toons farming.
It’s funny seeing people doing backflips trying to come up with excuses as to why multiboxing isn’t unfair or P2W.
Oh, I didn’t know it was still Vanilla, sorry.
GL, it’s been around since before wow and has been embraced by blizz since the game came out.
Emergent? It’s been around since classic, and while not advertised, it is allowed. You could argue that whether it should be considered cheating sure, but you can’t claim its cheating until it becomes distinctly against the rules of the game.
An advantage? Sure. Unfair? Maybe. But it’s not cheating.
It definitely is cheating to the non MBer, its just not against the rules.