You noticed the part where I said “if he is not harming others let him be”.
The restrictions on both Tobacco and Alcohol were largely pushed through due to the impact people indulging in both had on others.
You noticed the part where I said “if he is not harming others let him be”.
The restrictions on both Tobacco and Alcohol were largely pushed through due to the impact people indulging in both had on others.
Self harm was also a factor if not the tipping point for such legislation. If someone were to spend all their resources on an unhealthy behavior, who picks up the bill after that, the public. Either via health, or homelessness or psychological damage.
Ok. You still don’t get any sympathy from my. Play the game like everyone else does. Multi boxing has been killing the AH prices.
Multiboxing isn’t cheating
I also box, i just canceled 5 accts. will be delete all characters soon, ive blown more cash than that in one night at a club , 10 times more, cut your loss sooner rather than later
i got it trained monkeys to run the 5 accts yah , thats it , anyone got 4 monkeys for sale?
I’ve never multi-boxed but the new covenant system has me thinking about it. Maybe that was intentional to boost subs.
as far as how i spend my money, and on what is none of any ones biz, here in USA as long as im buying legal things , a game and RL apples and oranges
Multi-Boxing floods the AH while us plebs get low prices. I’m sick of it. Prime farm spots are taken over. Blizz took too long to stop this crap. I’m glad they finally did some thing.
me too , its about time they saved mee 100 bucks a month
no mention of your rights as a US citizen or the constitution , what about the right to bear arms , you know as a human being we have rights
Unfortunately, botters are still going to flood the AH as they always have
Will never not be funny
Maybe, maybe not, going to be interesting to see what blizzard will do…going forward
It will be interesting This is the history of wow
There are ways to limit certain things without limiting the persons freedom. One can always go for the companies or the products so that they cant allow any sort of trait or quality that is unhealthy for the consumer. There are already laws in place for various products or services that do so for the sake of public safety in the US. Gambling is a good example. Safety requirements for vehicles are another. There are tons of product limiting rules that can stop abuse of the consumer.
I believe in the right to bear arms, I also believe in legislation that limits that right for the sake of public safety. Criminals shouldnt have guns, ever imho as an example. Kids shouldnt have guns until they are adults at 18. Training should be mandatory before owning guns. But those are my opinion. Its already been established that all rights can be regulated, even free speech has limits in the US. The right to pursue happiness stops right at someone else’s rights is another example.
Then “most” people, how you know that I’m not sure, would be wrong and should educate themselves. Multi-boxing is simply playing more than one account at the same time (Blizzard’s definition) and there are a number of different ways to do that, of which using input broadcasting software is just one option.
doesn’t matter what you do as a multiboxer you’re automatically guilty by association BECAUSE of what other boxers do…
I’ll admit that I hate when I’m farming and see 10 druids flying around…I’ve never liked multiboxers who insist on running pathing bots and gather tens of thousands of herbs and flood the AH…