The point you are getting at is the hardware used to continue the type of multiboxing people have been doing doesn’t have firmware? If that’s the case why not say it from the beginning?
Not really. Hardware is the physical device. Firmware is code written in a simple base language that makes the machine whir. The software is written in more “complex” code that lies above the firmware.
It… it doesn’t say that because it’s semantics that only you are arguing, in a wrong way. Stop using “software” as a synonym for “code”. That’s the part that is confusing you. Hardware, Firmware, and Software are SEPARATE layers that shouldn’t be confused because they’re functionally different things. And when you start arguing semantics you lose your entire argument when you start conflating things that aren’t the same.
Ehh nvm, I believe you. A little more inclined to believe the dictionary than a guy just trying to defend multiboxing mostly because your method of presenting information is by trying to insult the other person but w/e.
No and unfortunately you are confusing yourself.
He said is going to program firmware for his devices that lie OUTSIDE the operating system. Imagine programming a literal robot that has 5 arms, each playing a different computer. Is attaching a pencil to a fan that clicks your mouse “botting”? No, and programming firmware level code to help multibox doesn’t violate 3rd Party Software rules for TOS.
They do actually consider this botting. People have gotten banned for using the drinking bird toys to hit spacebar too. That was kind of my point to begin with on semantics. Blizzard doesn’t care about them.
Interesting, well then they’d probably consider firmware level code a violation of TOS. Honestly, in the end it’s their game, and they can justify a ban on whoever they want.
Honestly though you odds of getting caught are almost nil, but they’ll still act on it if its brought to their attention.
A) A confession on the forums
B) Screenshots and reports in game
C) A GM conducting surveillance
Plenty of ways they can get caught, especially if people see them multiboxing and report them. All it takes is a GM to witness it.
OP, I fully support you and the multibox community even tho I only have one other account, Blizzards decision to shut down software use after people already bought into Shadowlands and paid them money for it doesn’t sit well with me
I don’t trust Blizzard now, although I don’t use any software to run my second account, who knows what mistakes the server will make putting my main account into jeopardy, so I’m shutting it down before the next subscription cycle
Main reason I started posting in this thread was op saying this
This is just blatantly breaking tos and trying to work around using vms to hide it.
I was mostly reffering to the drinking bird or fan thing. The bird is a bit more random than a fan.
Honestly I think going after the software is a pr move to try to win some good faith from players after bfa.
They can always refund?
who knows, but what’s next from Blizzard?
Maybe banning bots but giving them enough time to make a profit so they keep subbing on new accounts?
Right, but they can never regain lost subs or trust
Like the “ban” on multiboxing is just vague enough it looks like they are trying to while not stopping those determined enough to want to do it. Only time will tell if they really intend on getting rid of multiboxing in the form people know it as (have to say it this way or that dude will pop up saying they didn’t ban multiboxing) or it’s just a half hearted gesture.
They didn’t
They forbid input broadcasting software, you can still multibox, you can still multibox just like you did with the software, just takes more work
So still the same way people know it as.
Anti boxers are some of the most toxic people ever. Next to the 6/9 normal raiders who want lfr to be removed.
More to the point why have you gotten 5 warnings and no ban?