Multiboxing - NEW TOS

You didn’t really pick anything apart, you just threw in words like “disingenuous” to try and nullify everything I’m saying. If you really don’t think they did this because of the negative impact it had on players and the economy, I don’t know what to tell you.

Eventually they will come for the hardware too, it just might take another 16 years :wink:

I donated to help him pay for the machines. He’s an old guy on a fixed income and boxing is his joy.


Still waiting on a source that definitively proves multiboxing is the cause of the market crash. :kissing_heart:

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Because they are incentivized to do the popular thing that people are shouting at them on the forums.

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Like firmware isn’t a type of software because I say so.

I doubt it. If I knew that multi-boxing wasn’t actually affecting players’ experience in the game, then why make such a non-profitable decision?

World of Whinecraft.

They screwed up so bad with BfA that they’re listening to customers. Except only the loudest most whiny ones.

That why the op iscrying about the tos changes?

I’m not sure what you really want lmfao, it’s a game, not a real economy. Fox News and CNN aren’t reporting on the Great WoW Market Crash of 2020 this week unfortunately. Guess we’ll have to go buy assumptions and what information we have.

I’m guessing Blizzard didn’t ban it 16 years later because Ion grew tired of it one Monday night. Maybe they looked at internal statistics and public outcry and took action.

takes deep breath


:loudspeaker: :loudspeaker: :loudspeaker: :loudspeaker: :loudspeaker: :loudspeaker:

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Excuse me.I’m still waiting on a source that definitively proves multiboxing is the cause of the market crash. :kissing_heart:

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I’m just curious, what legitimate defenses do you have for Multiboxxing? So far it’s just “W-well, maybe it didn’t CAUSE the market crash??? How do you know it was negatively impacting players??? You have no articles to back up information in a video game!!!”

Would be hard for one person to find all the evidence on something like the wow economy. You are wrong here though it is a real economy. Real money goes in and out of it more than the gni of some countries. Thats why a lot of these soft assisted boxers are mad on the forums right now.

Y’all find any proof that multiboxing is the cause of the market crash yet? Asking for a friend. :kissing_heart:

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The only way it would be possible for a source to show this is if we could travel to the multiverse where multiboxing isn’t allowed in any form and look at their prices.

I know this.

Fair enough, I feel like it’s simple enough to know what I meant though. It’s not real in the sense that anyone outside the direct sphere of influence cares.

Scuse me. You find those sources yet? :kissing_heart:

Reminds me of the TF2 economy and how huge it is.

Ahh, so you’re just trolling and out here to get a rise out of people, got it. Have fun buddy. Respond to me when you find some legitimate defenses :kissing_heart: I love you, have a good night