Multiboxing griefing

Multiboxing is not against any of Blizzard’s rules however, I don’t think anybody intelligent will disagree that it isn’t a crappy thing to do. Plenty of crappy things people do are allowed or legal.

I think crappy people hide behind the “it’s legal” replies to try and make themselves actually believe something is “ok” to do. It’s believed that if you lie to yourself enough, you’ll start believing it too.


Nope. That’s asking for help. And it can go on when both sides doing it.

Multiboxing on PvP is one player with several characters instagib people.


If they aren’t going to do the obvious thing here, they should at least force multiboxers to their own shard so they don’t impact everyone playing normally.


That, I can agree to. Kinda like how twinking wasn’t breaking any rules but they forced them into their own queues.

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They are easy to track. Admins can see IP address.

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That’s not organic pvp. One person who can command several toons at will, and destroy people, is certainly not fair. It also doesn’t surprise me someone from wma supports this.


You can instagib people if you call for enough help. So again, is grouping up cheating?

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No, it isn’t. And those are actual players.


Yes it is, you are trying some serious straw men there.


Yes it is, and an actual play is not controlling each one, third party software is.

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your opinions aren’t factual.

evidence of what?
they weren’t doing anything wrong.

actionable for what?
…playing the game how blizzard has confirmed a gazillion times, is perfectly ok?

your opinion isn’t what matters when it comes to the rules.

if you want to be wrong, be wrong.
nobody needs to change your mind.


Yes, I’m wrong for pointing out cheaters! Good job.


Of course it is, because you can’t multi box properly in bgs, since follow is enable. However, in wpvp, its a different story. I don’t mind getting ganked, because I can at least turn the tables at times to my favor on one person, but when an army of druids pop up that is controlled by one person deletes me, it’s not fun.

I wouldn’t be opposed to this idea!

No, you’re wrong because you seem to think you create the rules which other people get to play by.

You don’t.


Warmode is optional.


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Turn off war mode.

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The result says otherwise.

Can you survive 12 individual players attacking you?

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I don’t think they were trying to create any rules. They were expressing discontent for a clearly obvious crappy form of play. While it does not break any rules, I don’t think there is a single intelligent person who will tell you it isn’t crappy.

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