Except you don’t set the definition of automation, Blizzard does. And what you are describing is so broad of an interpretation it literally applies to every single user of the game.
You’re also not playing WoW or even using a computer in this example, so it’s irrelevant.
But I should point out that it actually is one action per click. And that this “app” in your example is also just a glorified light switch. You’re arguing that light switches are cheating because you’re not sending the electricity to the bulb itself with a hand crank.
Learn to beat a multiboxer, they are not hard to beat. But you can not charge in from the front. Have to organize and have players work together to kill them.
Must must come at them from behind, if they turn get behind them. Multiboxers can not turn very well and if you figure out who is the main controlling toon you have them dead in a heart beat.
Just turn warmode off, quite simple really. I just killed you once; cause you were following me around like a lost puppy on my scraping team and then turned toy off. it does make me smile to seeing malding andys over dying to a mbox in opt in wpvp.
The total number of multiboxed accounts isn’t that large. Vanishingly small, in fact, when compared to the total number of active accounts. Every multibox account could cease to exist right now, and Blizzard wouldn’t even notice. It would have literally no discernible impact on their bottom line.
Is there / was there such thing as honorable fighting? I don’t like to fight unless I have to. I was also taught that when it comes to fighting, you don’t fight to fight fair. You fight to win and end the encounter.
Is that bad behavior? I think it’s subjective at best. I have been taught some basic self defense. Not everyone has that luxury? so should I not use what I know because they might not have that same training?