Multiboxing griefing

And again, you want to apologize for Blizzard and their cowardice at addressing this core issue that has been in the game for 15 years.

no one owes you anything, guy. How ENTITLED :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Reread my posts, pal…YOU CHOSE to play this game. No one forced you to. YOu KNOW the rules.

Blizzard doesnt need anyone to apologize for them. its THEIR game. THEY decide the rules. Not you…not me.
Either play it…or dont.


So, Warmode. PvP happened, basically.

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Nothing is being automated, so we’re good there.

So teaming up with guildmates to do what multiboxers (only better) do is giving an unfair advantage to the group, so they’re cheating now?


Excusing this faulty practice because of the flawed systems that blizzard have implemented is a joke.

what? EVEN IF the rules did somehow make boxing a violation…the rule maker can make ANY EXCEPTIONS to those rules they want to.
“stop on red…EXCEPT on right turn”
Even the LAW allows for exceptions when law makers CHOOSE to allow them.

yawn…back to the ad hominems…then you all toss tantrums when we reciprocate LOL

Youre making quite the fool of yourself here, guy.

EXACTLY what a blue said in response to one of these sorts.
Grouping would net the same results.
All boxers are doing is pretty much the same thing. The number of players behind those characters isnt relevant.

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It’s a system where the person multiboxing is paying for separate accounts for each toon. It’s neither cheating or exploiting under Blizzard’s own terms of use.

I get you don’t like it, but them’s the rules.


Do you mean, that they allowed and basically built some parts of the game around the ability to multibox?

Cowardice? Ah jeez, no, drama queen. There isn’t as big a problem as you and others would have everyone believe. But keep trying…

And hey, just remember, when you’re arguments fail, you can always try to bash someone’s character, mental aptitude, or just call them a name - that always helps to build credibility in your arguments.


as you say…over 15 years now.
Boxing aint going anywhere…they just updated their boxing statement page in the last few days.
You either play and deal with it…or quit.
Thats really your options here.

Or just as good, attack our age :wink:
Which just makes them look even worse when the young uns cant even keep up with us dementia ridden corpses :rofl: :rofl:


honestly rizzak this guys a mutlibotting rock, him and the other dwarfboxer… you wont convince him he’s honestly a waste of time along with the other boxers who’re adamant bout defending it, unfortunately

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Exactly. Glad to see youre catching on.

playing beta on my lower monitor…as Ive been doing this entire time lol
and you?

Not your concern or business.

At the end of the day they are cowards, to not have addressed this issue when it was presented to them, and to acquiesce to these weak willed men who wanted to form raids, and parties of their own. Be it for profit or otherwise, if you want to boot lick and apologize for their abject cowardice that’s your problem, I am not here to accept apologies.

over a video game :laughing: :laughing:

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no one cares what youre here for.
you get that, right?
We’re just here to correct your fallacies, jokes and hoaxes.

All you can do is apologize for blizzard, you must be multi boxing right now, so you have one account boot licking… and the other account doing?

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Thats right…you wont…because we have blizzard and 15 years of game history on our side…not to mention that ALL of your hokey arguments come down to three points.

  • bad boxer stole muh nodez (it doesnt belong to you)
  • bad boxer ganked me (turn WM off)
  • bad boxer wont let me gouge (tough, compete or quit)
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for posterity sake…

Hello, McFly! They designed the game and the launcher to allow multiboxing…there was no issue presented to them. If by issue, you mean the sad tears of players like yourself, that’s a YOU problem.

I don’t need to apologize to anyone. I play the game. I play by their rules, not my own or my feelings.