Multiboxing griefing

thats kinda ironic. I wonder how many posters on this forum can attest to the fact that 80% of my posts are AGAINST Blizzard given how often i get attacked for talking trash about blizzard and this game :wink:
Not too much in the know on current events, are we :wink:

I guess I mustā€¦since you say so :wink:

I donā€™t accept your apology on behalf of blizzard, carry on with your multi boxing, it is a trash practice and it should of been outlawed 15 years ago when the exploit was found.

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andā€¦againā€¦no one cares.
playā€¦dont playā€¦your choice. Bliz has made it clear just this week that boxing is allowed when they updated their statment page and DIDNT change the rules for it :wink:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

ā€œbecuz muh said soā€
soā€¦did the bad boxer gank you?

Trying to find and gank you.

I didnā€™t apologize, rizzo. No need.

Newflash: Boxing did not just appear on Blizzard radar. It was baked into the game from the start. You need to find a factual basis to start your arguments onā€¦

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i did spell whoā€™re right, and my posture is fine sir. cheater petersā€¦ reporting for botting is easier then trying to argue over these forums n thats what i doā€¦ i recommend it

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I can assure you ever report you make to multi boxers go straight into the trash, we have to find a way to destroy this game from the inside, if they wonā€™t listen we as the player base must make them hear us.

Its like youre trying to make it happen.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The REAL player base is PLAYING right now guyā€¦not 4 of you in here screeching about boxing.
you aint even a blip on Blizzards radar. You know that, right?

you knowā€¦there IS a way to do that.
find your game folder on your hard drive
Right click on it.
choose ā€˜deleteā€™, then follow the directions.

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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
here we go comparing the REAL torture and murder of innocent human beings to whining over a video game.
You going to bring up Hitler and genocide next? :sweat_smile:

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All too true. They read the first few words and canā€™t stop laughing. Itā€™s a good laugh, then a quick deletion. You seem to be catching on.

Well, good luck with that. See ya, hostilekaren!

I got a vacation last time I used that manā€™s name. Hang on!

well the thing is, you donā€™t even mention multiboxer you just say theyā€™re bottingā€¦ specialy if itā€™s a farmer multiboxer then i can imagine blizzard has hard time distinguishing weather or not its a botter or multiboxer

Not sure if it was this thread or one of the others, but they brought him up and were rambling on about genocideā€¦as if we must not care about that if weā€™re ok with boxing :laughing:
Talk about false equivalency

My this is a heated little topic this morning.

Good morning Rahkeetahp. Though it might be afternoon where you are.

interest ye in a pint? said by 20x dwarfs as you enter

If I got drunk my inner demon would take over and heā€™s kind of prissy Inquisitor floaty dude. We shouldnā€™t let that happen.

Turn Wmode off, issue solved, i can tell you that many times players trye to gang multiboxers instead of what you said, but if you engage in combat with them dont expect they will be nice with you.

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Not quite yetā€¦about 5 till noon right now. :+1: