Multiboxing griefing

Nice try, but boxing is not automated. They are talking about bot,hack software programs that play the game for you. Hilarious how you guys try to read between the lines of the tos, and twist it to suit your own opinions, or make your own definitions of what they consider cheating.


I gotta think that if this were ever going to happen, it would’ve already.

I don’t think they will either. Acti / Blizz has already popped in twice? now on the subject recently?

Maybe if they manage to get some people together and go through the TOS / EULA with a fine toothed comb and rationally pick apart the reasons why Acti / Blizz still allows it.

I hope it never comes to pass. I don’t think I have seen anything compelling enough from the opposition of multi-boxing that hasn’t been debunked through reason and proof.

Thirteen days later.

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It’s disgusting how they cater to these cancerous toxic players, but PVP can’t even get a stat or a progression not tied to the blatant p2w Mythic system.

Nah you’re a sad apologist grow a back bone


U mad, bro?


Trash… and the devs just don’t care that this cancer is spreading

Who hurt you?


So much like flat earthers…all you have to do is wait, and they will prove themselves wrong for you…

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Any facet of the game? So does that mean everyone who uses the curse client to download and update addons are cheaters? Of course not, that’s stupid. So then we now realize there’s third party software that is fine to use.

Multiboxing is within the rules and anyone can do it! Yes even you, all you need to do is farm gold and turn it into currency to buy SL and game time :slight_smile:

I’d like Blizz to do something about max levels killing my level 20s then, that degrades my gaming experience :smiley:

Dem 120 gankers again!


yeah? cool…and this was taken from their own website

deal with it.


uh huh…not even close, lol.
The earth was always around. Didnt matter what we believed.
This is a video game. There are human rule makers who decide what is allowed and what isnt allowed. THEY DECIDE what is absolute.
If they say Azeroth is flat…its because the game code was designed that way. They didnt come along 4 billion years later and make a guess, lol

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Personally? the only toxic players Ive run into is non boxers, box haters and a handful of dungeon runners.
FRom my perspective, its you that is toxic based on my game and forum experience

These people probably toss the same fit at Parker Brothers when i get to collect $200 as I pass go.

but but but…muh perks :roll_eyes:

Same here. Except I decided my game time is MY game time, not some petulant kids with a day to waste. So i moved my characters to a PvE server at that point.
I never turn WM on…for the sole reason that, again…MY game time is MINE…not some bored kids.


If it wasn’t a toxic system you wouldn’t be posted on the forums 24/7 defending it now would you.

That is honestly the dumbest comment Ive seen in a month in here.
YOU are the reason we keep having this exchange. All 8 of you who cant help yourselves but play a MMO then want to screech about the rules you fully knew about.
Stop tossing fits about it, go play your game…and I wont need to respond to these joke threads anymore

Admit it…what you folks want to be able to do is barrage this forum with Box hate and have NO ONE RESPOND to your jokes so you APPEAR to have a case…that no one disagrees with you.
That aint happening. Sorry. Box haters ARE the minority in this game. MOST players are PLAYING right now. Not complaining about boxers in here.


Again instead of apologizing to me, how about you go play the game oh wait, you can’t because if you’re not posted on the forums trolling multi box complaint threads, then you’d have nothing better else to do.

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I bet if you spent a couple minutes rearranging the words in this post and correcting verb tenses, you could come up with something that makes at least a little bit of sense.

Until then, this post serves as an example of why the anti-boxers have never been able to make a persuasive case against multiboxing.


and yet here you are lol
no one here OWES you any apology. :laughing: The entitlement is off the hook LOL.
You CHOSE to play this game.
You KNOW boxing is allowed.
You KNOW you have to compete for resources.
You KNOW you’ll get ganked if you turn Warmode on.
You KNOW people are going to undercut on the AH
…yet you chose to come in here complaining about it …again.
As I said…boxers aint the ‘toxic’ problem in this game in my experience.
as I said above…

you all confirm this fact EVERY TIME you screech about OUR responding to your posts in here instead of presenting your argument and NOT complaining about responses

Did you see the hater in here the other day trying to post on multiple alts?
I stopped counting at EIGHT characters this guy tried to pretend were different players tossing fits about boxing.
They have no credibility as far as Im concerned.

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