Multiboxing griefing

If I have 3 computers and 3 keyboards (all wired) running WoW it’s the same as running 3 computers that are all controlled by the same keyboard. I would just need a program to relay that keyboard’s commands to each of the three computers. Something a wireless keyboard does automatically already.

Running 3 copies of WoW on 3 different computers (with one keyboard or three) is exactly the same as running 3 copies of WoW in 3 different client windows. Just with less equipment.


So many people here have no idea what cheating even means lol. It’s always amusing to see these threads.


I am arguing that multiboxing is automation. Your tv show broadcast conveniently leaves out that the tv now has the ability to change the channel, move around, jump focus on one person at the click of one button across multiple clients. Thats not a tv show. Thats automation designed to look like a broadcast. Ultimately all automation is a broadcast of bits from one end to the other. But the scope of what is able to be accomplished is what makes it automation.

In this sense you only need to input the key once to make multiple characters across multiple clients do the same exact thing. Saying that the loophole is justification only makes sense in a draconian world where laws can never change. Something can still be wrong even if the Pope and King say its not.

Even if it is all characters in a zone it would still skew the results. Thus harming the player experience.

Its automation even if you try to deny it.


So you are saying that you would still need a program to automate your clicks across multiple clients. Got it.


Yes, ban cheaters. Just ignore people finding ways to defend.


I see you left out the “per client”.


That loophole needs to be removed.

It doesn’t matter if Rankin denies it, or I deny it. What matters is how Blizzard feels about it. If they thought it was automation, they would act. Since they don’t, since mboxing goes on as ever, then it isn’t automation.

You really just need to get that point. We are not the providers of the definition, Bizzard is.


just shows you aren’t being serious about your argument. It only discredits anything you have to say.


So is corruptions. Are corruptions cheating? You can trigger them without a single ability being used. You only need to be in combat. And with the right setup you can one-shot someone with them. Should we report people with high corruptions?


And not doing a very good job of it.

If I have five TVs, I could have all of them on different channels. There’s still no duplication or automation involved in multiboxing.

Then what? Are they supposed to ban any raid groups in war mode?

But it’s not even remotely close to being automation.

It’s one action per button press per client window. If you think that’s automation, then you have redefined the term so broadly that it applies to everyone who has ever played the game.

You need a program to “automate” your clicks even with one client. I guess we should ban anyone who has ever used any input device that requires a device driver to work. Which, again, means banning everyone who has ever played the game.


Surprising that anybody can defend multiboxing, regardless of whether or not it’s technically cheating, it’s a clear advantage to a single player that is as close as this game has to pay-to-win. Which everyone supposedly hates.

Multiboxers are scumbags(not against the rules, I know). I’m not talking about your average joe, who recruit-a-friends them self and plays two games at once, before you start nitpicking.


Blizzard does not always act early. Often they act late. So I will do what I can with my small voice that only counts for me to say my part in trying to fix that.


They acted over 15 years ago, before the game even launched. That’s when they decided to allow multiboxing instead of banning it.


Or macros. We should ban macros. They are coded instructions that tell the game to operate a number of separate actions, such as casting spells, etc. We aren’t clicking each button, we are clicking one button to facilite two or more actions.

It’s hard to stay positive, aint it (:


You have an unfair advantage over people who have bad computers, no computers, or no electricity. Yet you continue to exploit this, right?

Do you gimp yourself in-game and then demand that blizzard change the rules to force other players to abide by your own restrictions? That sounds like a you problem.

#Stopgriefingmultiboxers, scumbag.


LOL. Mboxing has been in the game almost from Day 1. It’s really not that early…


Literally. Ban all keyboard drivers because they are automating the clicks from your keyboard to your computer. Unless you do the algorithms yourself with an abacus and mail them to Blizzard with a notarized letter it’s cheating.

Fairly mean and reductive to label a wide variety of people you’ve never met as scumbags, don’t you think? I prefer to use terms like that for people who like kick puppies or steal from orphans. Not people who spend a tiny bit extra in a video game to play a different way than others.


No because its made in the game for everyone to get easily. If blizzard had a multiboxing program they supported that you can use perhaps you can ml[quote=“Rankin-shandris, post:55, topic:597081”]
And not doing a very good job of it.

Subjective opinion but its yours to have.

Broadcasting a key stroke to other clients to duplicate your own key stroke is automation. You are not changing channels. You are duplicating actions across multiple clients that affect the real time movement and abilities use in multiple applications with one click.

In the real world if I could click one button On a machine with a specialized program to pick up 20 bricks, then click again to lay cement on 20 bricks, and then add 20 more bricks on top, all in 3 actions it does not matte if I try to fluff it as “broadcasting”. Its automation. A special computer and program was needed aside from the basics and it is controlling multiple programs at once with only one click.

Raid groups are fine because the game can actually try to put other players in there. But if the other players are multiboxers than I wont be surprised if the server becomes more in favor of one faction than the other as the raid group with players will hunt the faction with less overall people because as was mentioned earlier the multiboxers will just cozy on into one corner.

Thats a horrible example because it makes no sense. You are very aware that you need a special program that duplicates keys outside the custom keyboard driver.

Yea that was 15 years ago. Its time they make this game a mmo rpg with real players again.

See above. Blizzard has changed their mind in the past and they can in the future.


M’dear, you are fighting a losing battle, though I admire your persistence.

On a personal level, I don’t much care for mboxing, more from personal bad experience than anything. I think it does on occasion give an advantage to the mboxer since they can do things a single player cannot (like, I cannot run a low level dungeon myself while levelling a character, while a mboxer can run a team through). However, that doesn’t stop me from finding 4 other people to run the dungeon with me, so that is more a twitch response than anything. I don’t condemn people who mbox in general because of a feeling or a couple of bad eggs. There are far more rotten eggs out there playing singly.

But continuing to argue in the face of a someone’s determination to not understand another viewpoint is rarely satisfying.

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