Multiboxing /gasp

You sound very new.

BOOM! Again…

You do realise we’re (very clearly) not talking about controlling multiple clients independently?

Then read the quote from a Blue I posted above.

or ask in CS. Afraid?

You are just flailing about…

lol, why else do it then?

If it’s no advantage, why pay more money? I sure as hell would love a return on my investment, in some capacity that doesn’t allow me to do it on a single account.

Edit: Just wanted to add that it’s okay to admit that it gives an advantage. I won’t think less of you. In fact, I’ll respect you more.

Some said exactly that, trying to fudge it by saying “depending on how you use it”. The actual ban would be for botting or disruption, NOT multiboxing.

(It’s like claiming that driving a car is against the law, depending on how you use it, when the things that are against the law are speeding or deliberately using the car as a weapon.)


You are correct. We used to have ToU for each game separately and they had more-specific guidance depending on the game. Just last year (June) they combined the ToU from all the individual games into a single, more-generic, EULA.

The EULA is very generic and doesn’t address several things directly, but you can choose to read into it whatever you think and you’ll be right or you will be wrong based on no particular criterion because the deliberately-vague language has been designed to give Blizzard maximum autonomy to do whatever they want to do.

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Automated gameplay is bannable. Keyclones that are one press on action across accounts is not considered automation by Blizzard.

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I read it. And every iteration. I never agree to something I don’t read.

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Aehl, is that you?

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It existed back in Vanilla and was fine, it will be fine now.


No but we’re buddies. He’s from CSF too. Upstanding guy.

Feel free to post over there and ask for clarification. CS gets the most Blue responses out of any forum.


I dual-boxed from TBC all the way through Cataclysm. I love playing with other people, but I also love being able to log into a second account and help an alt get a quest done or run them through a dungeon for a specific piece of gear without spending time looking for a group that won’t mind a lowbie being guaranteed a drop.

Pre-Wrath it also gave me the ability to have all the professions across my characters and do things like enchants for myself (no vellums back then), or trade items rather than wait an hour for something I mailed.

Of all silly things, I used it RPing in channel too - giving me two characters without trying to use odd OOC commentary to indicate who is talking.

Advantages? Not any more than, say, a couple of friends playing together and coordinating very directly.

I spent more money because the game was that fun for me. Seriously, I paid for three of each expansion through Cata - my main account (which got the CE for everything but vanilla), my second account, and my son’s account. I didn’t come out ahead of other players in much of anything, except perhaps the number of alts I had.


Rest assured, it’ not Aehl.

lol, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

LOL, you’re talking to TWulf’s alt - long, long-time Customer Support poster. Longer even than me, and I was over there from some point in TBC.

I just remember him (Aehl) saying that he would never agree to anything that he didn’t read lol. It dawned on me the second I read it back in the automated ban thread.

isn’t Aehl and Aussie?

Since I’m the original, I’ll take it you’re complimenting Aehl.

I was light Blue before there was a Green. Green was my idea actually. people kept thinking we were Blizz employees.


because any adult with a modicum of common sense would say so.

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