Multiboxing /gasp

Yeah, I remember him trying to lecture me on the Aussie constitution.

Nah, nothing like that.

Since green is my favorite color, Iā€™ll just say ā€œLethie Drake says a big thank you.ā€ :grin:

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Awwwā€¦ puddinā€™s feels are hurt? Iā€™ve been correct on everything Iā€™ve posted. Sore much?

Mine too, thatā€™s why I suggested it.

Look at how much crap you took as a Green. Imagine being a Blue. I took a couple months of it and got with my rep.

There ya go again. Do you really think my feelings are hurt? Come on, tell the truth.

What am I sore about again?

I think the funniest one was someone who rolled an alt on my server, spent enough time to earn 60c just to mail me two long messages berating me for some response Iā€™d given.

It was no big deal, though, as I worked in Tech Support long enough to roll with the upset customer and not take it personally.


Part of the reason I never play TW.

Who KNOWS how many mails heā€™s hadā€¦ LOL!

The only thing youā€™re correct about, which I never argued, is that multiboxing is not against EULA. But it ends there.

Feel free to post in CS and ask for a Blueā€™s clarification on anything. Iā€™ve posted several supporting my points. Unless youā€™re afraid to be wrong.

Specifically, wrong about what?

Because they donā€™t require a sub, so you can have an infinite amount of them without paying a cent.


Whatever it is you believe Iā€™m wrong on. because I havenā€™t been wrong on any point.

Honestly i donā€™t even remember what you think Iā€™m wrong about. i donā€™t care enough. But feel free to post in CSF for clarification.

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Lookit him typing awayā€¦

I disagree with multiboxing having 0 advantage in any capacity over a single account.

But I was never complaining. In fact, Iā€™ve already said that I donā€™t care that Blizzard allows it, but I do not agree that it does not have any advantage.

The fact that I have stand by this seems to strike a nerve with you. CS will not clear this up. Everything else you have said, no problem.

Oh that. I donā€™t care what you think. Youā€™re still wrong, and Blizz agrees. Thatā€™s why they allow it. Blues have weighed in on it. Youā€™re not important enough to have struck a nerve. I do seem to bother you though with my factual assertions. Yours is based on opinion.

Why am I not important enough?

And youā€™ve stated some facts, which Iā€™m not arguing with. Pay attention.

because facts donā€™t require me caring. And frankly I forgot whatever it was you disagreed with me on. I simply donā€™t care. I just care about facts, not opinions.

5( or 40) accounts can do the same thing that 5 accounts can do. If your group canā€™t coordinate well enough, either learn to or find another group. Thereā€™s no advantage. Feel free to ask a Blue.

Now, thanks to Tomten, Iā€™m off to Chick-Fil-A.

Multi box players have been around since Original Vanilla, and there was one that played on my server Horde side on his shamans.

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It has advantage over playing solo, but doesnā€™t have advantage over grouping up and playing with others on live voice comms to get coordination going ā€“ in PvP or in PvE.

If youā€™re going to pay money to get an advantage, you would be better off paying for a friend to have an account and making them your go-to pocket healer than you would be multiboxing your pocket healer, for many different reasons that go well beyond ā€œwinning,ā€ however you define that.