Multiboxing /gasp

multiboxing makes classic pay to win it could and probably will ruin the integrity of the game please do not allow or encourage it.


Can you explain how it makes it pay to win? Making simple statements isn’t widely accepted here. We want you to explain your reasoning.


Is the integrity of retail ruined because of multi-boxing?



I think I’ve had encounters with less than five multiboxers in… 14+ years. The last one was… many, many, many, many moons ago.


Lol why is it so frowned upon?
I want to dual box but only so im still getting xp while my mage is sitting there making bags :cry::cry:


Multiboxing won’t ruin the game.

Multiboxing will be super rare and you’re going to have a hard time progressing. People hate multiboxers so much, they won’t get invited to raids.


Bro. I’m running my own twinks through dungeons. I’m leveling 2 of the same class for dual spec. Stop trying to rain on my parade.


Not everyone hates them. Of course you won’t invite but one of the characters to raid though.

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man you might as well play bfa with that attitude

Many people do not like Multiboxers. Not all of them are bad. I used to Multibox. Just four though for Arena.

But many people think of those people who multiboxed like 40+ and crashed servers doing so! Also, one multiboxer got someone instantly banned because they right clicked reported them 40 times.

I think multiboxing in Classic will be hard. Gearing up multiple toons will be hard. I wouldn’t even want to imagine what it would be like to level up and gear 4 shamans to be in epic gear. :sob:

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I will. When I feel the desire to. Oh you must take that as I intend to play solo? Yea. No. I’m not paying for twink runs or taking others time up for that. It’s an efficiency thing. Same with 2 of the same class. Gearing 2 of the same class for different purposes will allow me to be versatile and avoid that gold sink that some think is too much to swap spec. Pvp. Log into my pvp geared/specced toon. Want to pve? Well I just log into my pve geared/specced toon. Simple. Effective. Will be a fun challenge and quite a journey.

I have a secret plan to take over the world Pinky! This is just assurance in efficiency.


OP? You still haven’t answered this.


Here is why many people think it’s pay to win. They feel that paying for 2X characters give your 2X the power. So pay to win.


Yea and they ignore the logistics of what it actually takes to make it effective. They also ignore the pvp solution. The same solution used against a large organized group. Coordination. Focus targets, CC, debuff, dispel, eliminate heals, and generally knock the group out of sync. Sounds simple huh? Lol. I call it a fun tactical challenge myself. On both sides. /evil grin into maniacal laughter


the mass boxers stopped when they put sharding in the game. it wasnt worth their time and money anymore once people could hop realms or shards to get away

I enjoy watching mental gymnastics of those who support multiboxing. So much passion and angst.



Multiboxing has zero impact. While not actively supported, Blizzard doesn’t disallow it.

Deal with it.

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I think I have only run into a handful of multiboxers in my day, and really it doesnt affect you that much. Not really much different then running into a group of people who are questing together. Its possible we might see more people doing it this time around as newer computer are alot more powerful and will easily be able to run multiple instances while in the past they couldn’t but who really knows, either way I doubt its going to be enough to merit discussion outside of a few people are have a bad experience with a multiboxer camping them or just rampaging through an area.

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I mean by that logic we’re all p2w lol

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I will be multi-boxing, in that I have two computers and will maybe play my second account on the other one, only occasionally even touching it while they are on follow. And when I care to, and if I remember, and if it’s not too much effort at that time…

Maybe I won’t multibox.

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