Multiboxing /gasp

Oh I agree, was being snarky. People overestimate the multiplicative effect of multi-box coordination and don’t realize the diminishing returns when it comes to PvP.

I, for one, while I won’t multibox just because it doesn’t appeal to me, do thank the multiboxers for giving Blizzard their money and keeping the subscription fee down where it’s been for over a decade now.

Also, this nonsense of “P2W” is actually proving that either multiboxing isn’t as advantageous as people think it is, or the “win” that multiboxers are paying for is not all that and that P2W is not a slippery slope. If it were, we’d see a lot more multiboxers out there…


There is no new TOS. ALL Blizzard games are covered under the EULA


No one said multi-boxing is against ToS but using third-party programs is definitely against ToS. Refer to section C: first paragraph. Last two sentences.

Though again. a blue will need to verify if they’re going to keep to what they did in the past. Or. Do something different. But I am getting into my overwatch comp game. Peace.

That ToS was invalid as of 2012 thus updated / outmoded.

There used to be more. of course there used to be more subscribers too. They got bored. And there wasn’t an advantage. Why pay for the extra accounts if there’s no advantage?

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There is no old ToS*. There is only the latest ToS, of which it is 100% against, however it sounds like Blizzard may no longer enforce it out of their own interest.

Actually someone did say. And again there is no TOS. And again, Key Clones are not against the EULA. Blizzard has already sated so. If you want a Blue to weigh in on that, it’s a perfect question for Customer Support. Or are you afraid to be proven wrong?

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And there’s tons of videos of multi-boxers sticking it to players, too. So who is right and who is wrong? lol

Also, when people say advantage, it doesn’t strictly apply to PvP, although that is huge, and you would have to have rocks in your head to believe that you didn’t have an advantage roaming around with your other accounts.

Anyway, what am I sore about again?

Yeah that’s the fundamental road block of P2W catching on. Even when paying money gets you an advantage (and I agree that multiboxing’s advantages are way overrated), winning with that kind of advantage is boring for the most part.

There is no TOS. Only EULA and multiboxing is not against it. Nor key cloning.

Blizzard decides what is allowed or not, you don’t get a say or vote. Blizzard is fine with Key Cloners, they just won’t support them.

You’re the one who’s incorrect, why don’t you go post on CS?

The EULA is the ToS. Are you new to WoW or something?

He does, why not you? Still waiting for that proof.

You’d have to be thick to think you DO have an advantage. See how that works?

Proved it ages ago, but obviously you’re too illiterate.

You haven’t proved squat.

Too illiterate.

I’ve already posted proof multibxing is not bannable. here’s one Blue post on the software:

Feel free to post in CS and ask a Blue for an update.

Doesn’t prove anything.

Lawyers disagree.

TOS was game specific. Now all their game fall under the EULA. used to be the EULA pertained only to the software and the TOS to policies.

i assure you , I’m not new.