Multiboxing /gasp

advantage? in solo content maybe, in group or wpvp content not so much…

5vs5 one multi boxing the other 5 players, 5 players will win.

Ok Brokenwind.

I never switch alts. Dumb forums won’t let me

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I agree it is pointless to argue. Blizzard will do what they do. Doesn’t hurt to request they change their stance though.


That I agree with, never found a multiboxer that was good with organized PvP. Just find them in the wild nuking anything that moves.

See? Now you agree with me. And what advantage in solo? Unless you hate other people? People group. Or used to. Same thing.

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What advantage?

Your flailing about is entertaining. Lacking an actual good argument, attack something nobody is supporting. Bravo. :clap:

You have yet to demonstrate an advantage.

U can have an advantage like farming as mage with multiboxing 2 or more mages in dungeon or out in the world.

I’ve extensively argued against multiboxing for years and years. The other side’s argument always devolves to u just mad cause u cant afford it. I gave up. Sharding actually helped eliminate the main objection I had with it, which was blobbing on people in WPvP with flying mounts.

There are ways around multiboxers in WPvP in Classic, since there are no flying mounts. So I probably won’t be as bothered by it.

There’s no changing your mind because you want to multi-box.

However, I’d love to 1v1 you.

Same thing as running with 2 or more buddies and coordinating.

40 characters multiboxed have better coordination than 40 toons controlled by individual pugs not on live voice chat.

So, by that reasoning. We should ban live voice chat! :wink:

I don’t multibox. Already said that.

1v1? Any day. Hit me up when Classic goes live. Sore much?

yes ofc, its not better, but then again u would need this buddy of yours. Tho i do prefer it doing with a buddy for sure.

So the advantage would simply be able and do a specific thing without having to rely on others,

Sore? From what?

Ventrilo, Team speak, cell phone. Etc. There’s no advantage. I’ve seen teams take out multiboxers tons of times. There’s even YouTube videos on it

Here’s the OLD ToS from 2012.

< https ://imgur. com /a/S81N6vn > (just take the spaces out.)

Now. What Blizzard decides to do. Is up to them. And it’s ultimately going to take a blue-post to say if they’re going to use with the OLD ToS. Or the new ToS. Because in the old ToS there was some ‘out-moded’ concepts in there (Which I still agree with) such as cross-faction collusion being an actionable offense.

What you all decide to do with this is up to you but I’ve done my part in this clown fiesta and wasted enough of my evening delving through old ToS.

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No where does it say multiboxing is bannable.

Jeus. just post in CS and ask a Blue. It’s never been bannable

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I think the important distinction here is that a third-party program is not being injected or run through the client.

To use a bit of a drastic example, a player could set up 40 computers lined up side by side and a mechanical device to copy their physical motion on one keyboard to all the other keyboards (kind of like those drawing toys to copy a drawing: a pantograph set to a 1:1 ratio.) Click and hold “W” on one keyboard, the device presses down “W” on all the other keyboards. Click “1” and let go quickly, the device presses “1” and lets go on all the other keyboards.

The player is there. The player is making all the decisions what keystroke to make. No botting.

Now, instead of a physical device, imagine the 40 computers, and a splitter that takes the input from a single keyboard and sends it simultaneously to all of them.

Again, the player is there. The player is making the decisions. No botting.

Now, instead of a splitter, we have software that reads that input and sends it along to multiple clients.

Once again, the player is there. The player is making the decisions. No botting.

Funny part about all this is botting tends to be used by a single player with a single account to avoiding making the decisions and doing the work of clicking the keys. That’s as far to the opposite side imaginable from someone who sets up every single client individually, their keybinds and much more, and is very much actively there wanting to play and actively playing.

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