Multiboxing /gasp

A group of your buddie’s actions are not all being controlled simultaneously via one press of a key.

I will ask once again: why do you imagine some PSs have forbidden multiboxing?

Multi-boxing 5 hunters, full beast mode ganking with pets in redridge!

You are literally removing the need to “run with a friend”. If you do not see that as a massive advantage then it is pointless arguing with you about it.

I will ask once again: why do you imagine some PSs have forbidden multiboxing?

Because that was their prerogative. Blizzard feels differently. Honestly, I don’t care what pirate servers do or don’t allow.

Could care less. because they’re crybaby whiners? Who think there’s some magical advantage. People using stolen and pirated intellectual property? That’s your defense. They’re scabs.

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Because you’re wrong. It’s still amount of accounts. Find a friend. Try hard.

Once again, who cares what criminal think?

It was their perogative, I get that. But what I am asking is WHY you think they have that prerogative/decision?

Good lord, I just want you pro multiboxers to answer that simple question.

Just chill I’m going through the old ToS right now that was active until late 2012 since the beginning of time. It’s like 48 pages long so gimmie a break here.

So basically you have no answer for it beyond childish name calling, because there is not legitimate reason to allow the practice. (beyond blizzard putting $ above integrity)

P servers forbid it cause its free, then one could easly do 40 man multi boxings.

So what if it is free? Haven’t people been insisting there are no advantages?
According to banewulf’s logic, it is exactly the same if you and 39 buddies were all playing together.

what>? ???

What do you mean “what?” banewulf said it is the same as running with buddies. Do you disagree?

ofc i disagree

Good, we are in agreement.

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40 characters is 40 characters. Regardless if one person controls them or 40. Who cares is one person does a 40 man? How is that a disadvantage to you?

Blizzard agrees with me, not you

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haha see this guy swapping alts to like himself :rofl:

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If Blizzard doesn’t object, which they do not, it’s pointless to argue that it is.

The better argument is why it should not be allowed. Anyone who claims there isn’t an advantage have rocks in their head or are willfully ignorant of logic.

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I’ve given you my answer. There isn’t an advantage other than made up in people’s heads. And I didn’t call anyone names other than to denigrate the people who host illegal servers stolen from someone else. Or do you support theft? You realize that USING a private server is a bannable offense?