Multiboxing /gasp

And we have shown you are wrong. Still waiting for that proof.

That’s what I thought but I’ll let a blue jump in here. I don’t wanna cause an uncivil argument. But as far as I am aware multi-boxing is cool but the second you use third party programs you’re no different then a bot in blizzard’s eyes. Even if you’re sitting there. Playing the game. It’s no different then a kickbot. You still have to be there playing the game in order to kick someone.

You mean YOUR EYES, Blizzard is fine with Multiboxing and the software used, they just won’t support it.


It was highly bannable in vanilla, and it’s against the current ToS. If Blizzard are not enforcing it then that’s understandable given the current state of World of Warcraft and Blizzard as a whole.

Have a nice day.

No it wasn’t and no it’s not. Show me a post saying a player was banned for Multiboxing? With Blue corroboration.

Multiboxing and the use of Key Cloners are fine, Blizzard is fine with it, you are the one having a fit.

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Then show me the error in my logic. Your claim was that paying for a second account and therefore a second character was buying an advantage. How is that different from me paying for a second account and therefore a second character even if I’m not manning the second character?

I’ll level with you, the only reason I’m not going to multi box in classic is that it’ll make me feel even more alone than just soloing it all and the extra boost to my leveling speed isnt worth that and an extra $15/month. That’s not buying power though. Running a multi box rig is objectively worse performance than a well tuned and communicative group of individuals. All you buy as a multi boxer is isolation and convenience

I never said I thought they would, but merely asking and hoping for a stop to it. Even select PSs have decided to forbid it. Why do you imagine that is?

i’m very disappointed that this is being defended i want the game to be as good as it can be and this can have a greater impact than crz or lfr or flying being added in the game.

Don’t worry I am going through the old ToS right this second. Give me a minute, I linked it earlier in one of my other posts to tell some other kids to take a seat as well.

But weather they use the OLD ToS or the new ToS? I have no control over.


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Never happened.

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No flying in Vanilla.

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Also having what amounts to a buff bot, or healer bot on follow.

I know. It’s nice to have a pocket healer or tank when soloing.

That is key cloning, which multiboxers insist is not technically “automation”.

Blizzard agrees it’s not Automation.

You mean Blizzard

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No different than running around with a group of buddies. amount of accounts is amount of accounts

Which is one of the advantages multiboxers insist do not exist.

Run with a friend. In vanilla group questing was a huge thing and we’d all buff/heal each other. No different, not an advantage