Multiboxing /gasp

What advantage?
There isn’t one.

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I’m calling you on this…

The only way a Multiboxer would be banned is if he was using an exploit or something of that nature. Multiboxing doesn’t get you banned.

Pay to win is when you’re extremely disadvantaged by not paying. This is not the case here.

You’re very, very mistaken.

Right… Explain exactly what that advantage is. We’ll all wait.

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Prove it.

(10 characters)

So why do it?

Just asking.


Nothing to prove, it’s bannable.

Are you kidding?

Some people find it a challenge to run several toons at the same time. Some like that they can run dungeons without relying on outside help. Then there is PvP (I never saw a good pvp multiboxer)

So, prove it? Show us some documentation. Your word is bupkiss. The SFAs, Devs and CMs have said it’s not bannable, just not supported.

$100 bet right now. Post in Customer Support and ask if multiboxing is bannable.

It’s not. Never has been. I’ve been posting on the forums for over 14 years, most in CS and TS before there was a S. I was even a Green for a while. Multiboxing is NOT bannable.


No, only by your made-up logic.


Or show me the EULA.

hell use the search function. i can come up with a couple of thousand Blue quotes saying multiboxing isn’t bannable.


C. ii. 2. bots; i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that allows the automated control of a Game, or any other feature of the Platform, e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game.

Hand over the $100 fool.

Ah, spoken like someone who has NO IDEA what he’s talking about. Multiboxing isn’t automation. The player are controlling the toons actions.


Actually you have no idea what I’m talking about because you clearly didn’t read my earlier posts.

I’m specifically talking about traditional multi-boxing where software is used to coordinate input controls across multiple clients which is highly bannable.

Hand over the $100.

And we can show you Blizzard quotes that it is not.

Didn’t see multi-boxing in Vanilla. Didn’t see it in BC. Saw it a lot in wrath. Saw it a bit in cata. didn’t see it in MoP. saw it a bit in WoD. Haven’t seen it Legion or BFA.

Multi-boxing isn’t an actionable offense.

What IS an actionable offense is using stuff like auto-hotkey (Or any third party program) to play the game for you while you sit in one box.

I;E if your multi-boxing 4 ele shamans in vanilla… And you hit lightning bolt… Tab out… Hit lightning bolt… Tab out. Hit lightning bolt… Tab out… Hit lightning bolt. You’re good. But if you’re using auto-hotkey or some other third-party program to do it all in 1 click for all 4 accounts. You’re 100% getting banned.

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Well, where are they?