Multiboxing /gasp

Last time I saw a Multiboxer was back in WoD. They were in Tanaan Jungle doing dailies. I was on my Rogue at the time, and I kept Sapping one of the boxed characters every time he mounted up to leave, and he had to turn around to come get them.

I wasted about 30 minutes of his time doing nothing but sapping guys in his /follow macro. It was fun.

But yeah, there will be Multiboxers in Classic. Best get used to it.


LoL, OK. :rofl:

The best thing about this whole thread is the Schitt’s Creek reference.

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It tends to be most frowned on by PvPers who tried to 1v5 a multiboxer group - and think it’s an unfair advantage. Well, DUH. If they tried to 1v5 a coordinated group of 5 people who were not multi-boxing, they’d be just as dead just as quickly. (NOTE: It could be 5 or 10 or more.)

I’ve actually seen some hardcore anti-multiboxers dismiss dual-boxing as “not the same”, because they don’t die to 1v2 fights the way they do to 1v5. (I dual-boxed from TBC through Cata.)

The nonsense here is the idea that one player with 40 characters getting them all through content is pay to win, but 40 players with one character each getting through content is not. The total Blizzard makes is the same. The total number of characters completing things is the same.


yep, multibox a tank and a healer. then frustrate the dps leeches.

I’d just like to say I’m playing three accounts in Classic, it’s going to be glorious.

Have a nice day <3


The OP makes a universally disagreeable statement and then refuses to elaborate. We need to discourage clickbait threads like these by simply ignoring them (and thus I am now part of the problem).


I say we make a discount for multiple accounts under the same billing address so mutiboxers AND parents have an easier time. Let’s encourage more mutiboxers, I always loved getting 4 kills for 1 :smile:.

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What part is “universally” disagreeable?


It’s a fight as old as this game, and one Blizzard has always defined as acceptable, like it or not. Their game, their rules. Our ‘logic’ doesn’t matter one way or the other since we don’t get to make the rules regardless.

Blizzard are just happy to get multiple subscriptions from the same person. And multiboxing (at least in my experience) has never been prevalent enough to “ruin the game.”

If the game was a world PvP centric game like DAoC back in the day, it would be a different matter.

Hence the request to change the rule. It is abundantly clear that they opted to make a money decision and not a game integrity one.

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And historically they never have, so not sure why you think they would 180 on this now? I’m not a multiboxxing fan, I’ve just come to terms with the reality of the situation (because it’s been going on 15 years now they haven’t changed their stance).

multiboxing hurts the feelings of some players because mommy will not buy them another sub.

I request that has been denied since 2004.

Once again, while unsupported multiboxing isn’t against any current policies. Never has been, and there is no indication it ever will be. It doesn’t negatively impact the game. The few aspects it did, Blizzard removed.

I’ve tried multiboxing. I stunk at it. It’s hard. But doesn’t grant any magical advantage. In PvP or PvE.

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The “pay to win” part.

Edit for clarity:


Multiboxing is actually bannable, depending on how you use it. People used to multibox 5-10+ characters at once in vanilla and got banned pretty quickly.

You pay more and get an advantage. Pretty clear-cut case of Pay 2 Win


no it’s not. Never has been. Ever. What is actionable is automated game play. Key clones are not considered automated gameplay.

They still do. Once guy does 40. Not bannable

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By that logic me paying for a friends sub so we can play together is also pay to win. I’m paying extra to have an extra body around.