Multiboxing /gasp

Easy, because accounts on pservers are free.

You guys are pissing into the wind here.


It’s because Don Quixote has already tilted at this particular windmill for 15 years and it doesn’t need another thread about something that isn’t going to change and has already been argued both ways ad nauseum.


Because if you meet two other players in the game, you do not have any advantage over them. But if one of you were multiboxing, you would.

No, you wouldn’t. Example: back in the day I leveled my warrior with my buddy’s mage. Let’s say we see a multi boxer. He sheeps one I charge the other and we lay a smackdown. The multiboxer doesn’t have the ability to split target like that because hes multiboxing. The only possible advantage a boxer has over an equal amount of normal players is if the boxer ambushes the players and/or if the players arent on comms with each other.

Me too! /highfives

Although the 3rd account will just be for twinks (u guys mad?)


I am seriously beginning to like you.

I mean, heck
 You’re dead for a real long time; you just can’t prevent it, so if money can’t buy happiness, I guess I’ll have to rent it.

Wait a min
 do you have another character named Discobiscuit?


+1 for the weird al quote


One of his greatest!

You can tell I’m a living legend; not some ordinary creep.

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Na not me.

Well hello any way

Ya know
 I could Multi box 5 hunters, I think that would be pretty swell.

I was getting them often in av before they deemed the fellow macro work around they had in bgs exploiting.

Click to move + a hacked keyboard or Hacked KVM is how they did it back in the day
 You actually needed to have a few hardware skills in those days. Macro’s are actually more powerful in some ways now, and WAY less powerful now days in other ways.

I don’t see how you can argue that. If I am multiboxing two Warriors and you are playing one Warrior, when I autoattack you, I will be autoattacking you with two characters. When you autoattack me you are attacking me with one character. I do double your damage. A significant advantage.

you need to control both characters, gear both characters, and keep them grouped in a meaningful way.

Crowd control is extremely potent in Vanilla WoW, and the fact that the PVP trinket is on as long a CD as it is in addition to the fact that it does not dispel all effects
 You got some choices to make there.

Top that off wtih certain classes will utterly wreck a multi-box player because of their AE CC & Utilityies such as a shadow priest / Warlock / Hunter / Mage. (spec depending)

Thing is, it’s a case of player skill VS player skill regardless of the situation. If you’re a snidely dirty rotten under handed backstabbing opportunist then you’re more than capable of beating a multi box player.

Thing is, this is World of WarCraft, not World of Babies From Azeroth.

You gotta out play the other guy, no matter what he’s packin to the fight!

Remember man, when you’re out numbered you gotta play to win, you gotta bust a move!

But if you’re playing a hunter, then it’s something more like

Although, Rogues are more like


Answer: from the perspective of the guy getting wrecked, he has a better chance against the boxer than against a pair of actual humans.


Even if you only gear one character, you still have an advantage. It’s just smaller. I’m not sure why you are bringing in CC. It takes more Polymorph casts to stop a guy with two characters than a guy with one character.

It is different because you have two players instead of one. If you want to compare the advantage of multiboxing vs not multiboxing it does not help to bring in external factors as you can just scale those up on the other side as well and you still end up with the multiboxer having an advantage.

1 player vs 1 player who multiboxes = multiboxer advantage.
5 players vs 5 players, one of which is a multiboxer = multiboxer advantage.

/sigh. Let’s go over this again.
Original claim: multiboxing is pay to win because 2 subs are superior to one
Original refute: by that standard paying for a friends sub to play with me that is also pay to win.
Secondary claim: nuh-uh. Because it’s different.
And we’ve been doing that for the last, what, 12 hours?

Therefore, staying on point here, when you match sub for sub, multiboxers have no advantage over actual players who communicate. End. Of. Story. Paying for additional subscriptions does not give you phenomenal cosmic power. It does not give you rank 14 gear.


oh look, another troll thread, report and move along people

The claim is that the player has an advantage because he has two characters. Ie. because he is multiboxing.

I agree with you that two players communicating and playing against a guy with two characters generally will not be at a disadvantage. It’s not relevant as to whether multiboxing provides an advantage, though.

If I can buy full Naxx gear from Blizzard I will be at an advantage against the guy I’m fighting. He can bring 5 friends and then they have the advantage. So what? This doesn’t remove the Naxx gear or somehow make it not Pay 2 Win. Similarly, bringing more friends doesn’t remove the multiboxer’s second character.