Multiboxing /gasp

/pet :rofl:

was extremely rare back then it’s more common now so much so i think it could affect the game in a bad way

It’s more common now because it’s easier to do now days because the modern game is 100X easier to play.

I doubt it will be as common in classic because the leveling process is harder, and gearing is harder, and getting divided while leveling can cause the multi boxer a lot of trouble.

Given that world PVP is a real deal in Classic, the multi boxers very well might just stay away from the PVP realms for the most part, as they have far less advantage than most think.

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People have been complaining about multiboxing on the forums since Vanilla. Trust me.

In Vanilla /fear was their greatest enemy.

/thumps leg

It does, which is really the only point I was trying to make. If multiple accounts allows you to do things, expedites task, etc., at a quicker rate than on a single account, the single player using multiple accounts has an advantage.

If I were to multi-box, I’d do it for the advantage. No shame in it if it’s allowed and people can think whatever they want.

I dont forsee multiboxing being a problem.

Blizzard removed /follow in BGs as a security feature a few expansions ago. Many boxers quit. This was part of their improved security rollout. We’re using a 7.3 base client with modern security.

So if there is no follow in BGs then there wont be many multiboxers.

Just because they’re running around with 4x mages, they’re not gaining much of an extra in-game economic advantage by doing it. They still can’t do more than one thing at once, can’t beat a boss in a dungeon, aren’t that useful in raids, and can’t tap a mining node with more than one character at a time. They’re also required to be in exactly the same place at the same time, making them worthless for strategic play in PVP.

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Also, how is someone with 5 poorly geared shamans going to do against someone in BWL gear?

The multiboxers are going to be limited in the gear they can get. And almost every PVP video I’ve seen, one being Sco (method GM) and his MoM (Might of Menthil), he was absolutely destroying people, even 4+ at a time with just himself and a healer.

So if you put in a multiboxer who has maybe MC gear with 3k health, they’re going to get destroyed by some warrior who is raiding.

Most of the “multiboxers” you will find are people who are using it to level an alt. So like… a hunter multiboxing a priest so they have a healer while leveling.

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Multiboxers who use many of one class also NEED to keep their toons in lockstep with relatively the same gear, or they risk getting one toon out of sync with the others, drawing too much threat onto one and causing a self-wipe, etc. RNG keeps multiboxers where they should be: a person who pays 4x more for something that’s better at one thing and the same or worse at everything else.

Clear advantage…

It is amazing what a pin head you are proving yourself to be.
A bot is an automated player requiring no human intervention.
mulitboxing requires 100% human intervention, just like regular game play does.
you owe the man $100.
pay up.

It’s automation, no one said it was botting, fool.

Automation = Botting. Key Cloners are not automation by Blizzard’s standards. You don’t get to make that distinction.

Your ignorance is astounding.

Don’t jump so fast, there are quite a few multi boxers who automate features; and BoT’s are not entirely 100% AI, they can be only partial components such as Kick bots, etc that do a specific task only leaving the player to do the rest or only part of the job.

Example in early Legion there were tons of players in BG’s who were botting, their CC was flawless because their CC bot program would sync with other CC bot’s built by the same company.

The players only needed to move the character around and observe the character doing all the rest of the action such as DPS / Healing / CC.

It was actually very impressive to watch, and hilarious when the whole system came crashing down in 7.3.

7.3 proved to me just how garbage the modern player actually is, I saw a lot of the same players in BG but they went from god tier CC to total dumpster in a single patch.

This proved too me that they were both botting like the forums claimed and that the average BG player is trash in modern WoW and IMO worse than the average player in Vanilla.

The tricky bit is; are these things really classed as Bots? OR are they scummy player aids?

I consider them different levels of botting but botting none the less. This is a point of debate on who you ask regarding the nomenclature.

Regardless of what we call it, the fact remains that it’s indeed automation that’s not authorized by Blizzard… This sort of thing did take place in Vanilla too, there were programs like Decursive that did much the same sort of automation in a single case only.

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Modern WoW has given many players a false sense of security which will come crashing down once they start playing Classic. I suspect the forums and customer support will be inundated with whining about how the game is too hard, too much of a grind, ‘too imbalanced’ and people reporting perceived bugs because they can’t Handle It™ in the first few weeks of release.

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Blizzard should just copy and paste this message regarding Classic WoW balance.

Your problem is 100% a Learn to Play issue.

Nothing fancy, but would save a ton of time and hassle.



Something we can agree on.


Law of Averages. Had to happen.

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