Multiboxing /gasp

Legion was chock full of multiboxers and botters, do to being able to afford multiboxing easily with shareable nods like herbs, the auction how plummeted in price.
Wow tokens lead to this.
I saw way more then I ever saw in an expansion, a 25 man raid of 1 multiboxer attacked my afk toon.
Saw him in dalaran all the time and the night born zone botting for herbs, seeing how I killed several of them that were following the same path not stopping when the other is attacked and while the other spamming a fixed rotation meant to kill mobs that daze it.

But either way I donā€™t know if Iā€™m going to beable to multibox, I sure as hell want to give it a chance.

Multiboxing back in Vanilla was very rare from my experience. I donā€™t even remember seeing a multiboxer ā€œin personā€.

But I saw a guy doing Molten Core multiboxing a full raid group on a private server. Fascinating to watch.

This thread is hilarious.
Particularly the idiotic ramblings by Cardings.

Keep it simple at first. Get two working then add on. Depends on how far you want to take it and what you intend on doing with it. Iā€™m no pro at it and have only messed around with 2 and then 3. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m really willing to run. Beyond that is pretty much over kill imo. 5 tops. Itā€™s simply complicated but I can tell you the best thing to do is research it thoroughly. There are detailed step by step guides. Start by deciding exactly what you plan on doing with it and researching key cloners.

I 3-boxed in Vanilla, BC and Wrath. I didnā€™t know about key clones, so I had 3 clients open and would alt-tab and use basic macros. Even then, it wasnā€™t too bad. Most of the time I was just leveling (altoholic), but the most memorable was tanking Karazhan on one window, and healing in the same raid on the other. We were overgeared and farming (and they were all friends so completely tolerant of my silliness), but still a complete blast when I pulled it off.

I found it more fun and a challenge than an advantage. I definitely say, give it a go if you like a fun way to play (and a new way to get aggravated).


I am actually somewhat OK with multiboxing like that. It is where it utilizes keycloning that I draw my own personal line with it.

Something just clicked in my memory: Wasnā€™t there a point in WoW history where blizzard said they would not prevent multiboxing, but in a PVP situation you could only click one of the characters at a time?

Never happened

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Lol welcome to real WoW you private server guys have been to shelteredā€¦ Its no different then joining a pvp server because your friends are their but really hating pvp. You learn to deal with it. I for one will be trying multiboxing at the very least 2 boxing with warrior and healer using isboxer or whatever program to ease the warrior leveling painā€¦ The real question is whats the best classic combosā€¦ 5s wise : War, Priest, Mage x3? War, Sham x4? 5x Lock?

There was a multiboxer in 'nilla who reached Rank 13.

If you want to preserve Vanilla exactly as it was (no changes) you also need to allow multiboxing.

Otherwise, you open the door for changes, such as new areas, zones, legendaries, class balance, etc. If you are not willing to do that, then you must also accept multiboxing, because thatā€™s how it was and you just need to deal with it if you want a 100% authentic Vanilla replication with no changes.

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i heart multiboxing

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7 months this time, letā€™s find a 12!

I think im going to buy a few accounts and see what all the fuss is about, and ruin some peoples days. All this forum talk about multiboxing, makes it sound fun!

Your pretty much running a bot farm these ppl are controlling 1 character with however many other characters they got which is bs. I see them all day now so pretty much it is pay to win

Welcome to the MMO world, been around long before you had internet httpX://

Most of the people that play this game are too stupid to know what multiboxing is. Iā€™ve seen maybe 2 multiboxers so far. Iā€™ve been accused of multiboxing countless times because my friends and I were all mages and had matching names. Iā€™m convinced most people complaining about this ā€œmultiboxing problemā€ just donā€™t understand the concept of ploy g together with friends.

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