Multiboxing - Extremely Positive Asset for WoW Classic

its by definition a pay to win system that impartially benefits blizzard while sacrificing its playerbase.

By pay more money I’m assuming you mean buy addtional accounts? Anyone can do that and you can level however many accounts you choose without any multi-boxing software.

Lets say you have three accounts and, on separate accounts, you have a Warrior, Priest, and a Mage.

  1. You log all three
  2. Invite all three to group
  3. Put the Priest and mage on follow to the Warrior
  4. Go out and level

In its simplest form the above is multi-boxing and requires no software other than that provided by Blizzard. All three screens can be windowed and seen on your monitor simultaenously. Is there an advantage? Of course, you can level three toons at once. It is awkward but is still likely faster than leveling each toon individually, but is it an “unfair” advantage? I would argue no more so than having more time to play or better equipment than someone else.

You could do the above with a max level character and two lower level characters. Just have the two lower ones in a party, tag the mobs, then let the max level charcter finish them off.

All of the above give you some advantages and have some disadvantages. If you have lots of time to play you can do the same thing just by leveling alts. Is having more time to play than someone else an “unfair” advantage? It is definitely an advantage.

So, in light of the above, are you advocating that no one should be able to have multiple accounts? Or that when you have multiple accounts you should only be able to play one at a time? I believe that either one is a non-starter. Personally I have four accounts. One my Grandson plays and three that are mine. I’ve had these accounts since release. I don’t always multi-box, but do on occassion.

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except that youre paying for more accounts than someone else a month and leveling 3 characters at once. a moderate advantage but an unfair advantage nonetheless. it is a pay to win system.

What is the point of arguing with clear insanity?

I disagree, what am I winning? Having more max level characters? Heck you could look at it as a catch up mechanism for people that have some extra cash but less time to play.

I find the whole concept of “winning” in an MMORPG a bit strange. This isn’t a single player game where there is a defined finish line. Everyone defines their own “finish line”. For years I was pretty hardcore before I had an epiphany and realized there wasn’t a finish line.

Now I play very casually, when I have time, and occassionaly multi-box up to three characters. I haven’t even raided or done any dungeons in Classic, just wandering and enjoying the old world. So once again, I’m making progress toward my personal finish line (undefined), so other than having fun, what am I winning exactly?

Only idiots are making that comparison, as the discussion is and always has been individual players.

Right, because only insane people disagree with you, right? It’s completely outside the realm of possibility for a reasonable person to have a different opinion from you.

The arrogance is astounding.

you are leveling faster than another player that would attempt the same thing.

its not about winning. the term pay to win is what you are attacking and thats not really justified. its the concept we are arguing, not terminology. if you are wondering what the advantages of running multiple accounts at once are, they allow a player to group up without needing to interact with other players. it also allows the abilities of 5 characters to be directed by 1 player by means of software.

That’s such a distortion of reality it’s just another lie. By far the vast majority of multiboxers use some sort of software that repeats a single keystroke to multiple characters. I’ve seen several multiboxers and it’s obvious they’re using software. Their spell casts are so synchronized that it would be impossible for several individuals to do even if they counted down to try.

Most multiboxers admit this. They claim since the rules allow it it’s ok. Some even admit it’s a pay to win strategy. You though, are clearly lying.

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Logic only a third worlder could have.


Lying, in what way? People are claiming you need 3rd party software to multi-box and that simply isn’t true. Anyone with multiple accounts can multibox. Oh, if you want to automatically share quests, take the same flight path, etc. you can add the ema addon which is free (and available on twitch).

Do many, even most, multi-boxers use additional software, of course. But people were claiming you “had” to use 3rd party software to multi-box and that is simply not true.

I’ve known many people that used the method I described, I’m one of them. Some folks in the thread seem to think that simply having an addtional account is somehow nefarious. They’d probably ban logging your mage on one account to make water for your priest on another account.

You are far too free with the accusation of lying. Like you I’ve expressed my opinion, unlike you I don’t resort to name calling to try and make a point, you should try it, you might like it :slight_smile:

P.S. Are you really trying to say that what I described isn’t a form of multi-boxing?

I’m a multiboxer. From one multiboxer to another, stop saying stupid things like this. Any arguments we have lose all credibility when one of us says this.

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its not. playing as multiple characters at the same time is

Discussing a fringe activity as if it’s the norm is a distortion of the truth and therefore a lie. When called out you now admit it. It’s not name calling. It’s a factual evauluation of your post.

I’ve not seen anyone claim you “had” to use software, just that the vast majority do. Many of those arguing against multiboxers claim they wouldn’t have a problem with it if blizzard disabled the use of the software programs.

I agree with your statement. Like any playstyle permitted in WoW multi-boxing has both advanatages and disadvantages depending on what you are trying to do.

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its also superior to not multiboxing when trying to kill a mob, trying to farm gold, or trying to complete a dungeon, or trying to pvp.

So, you have numbers to prove it is a fringe activity? I strongly suspect that multi-boxing, at least dual-boxing which is where it started when you had to mechanically link keyboards, is much more common that you believe.

The 10/20/40 character boxers are almost definitely a small miniority. Unfortuately they are the ones that seems to get the most publicity, especially on PvP servers.

There are many play styles in WoW, some attract more players than others. In Vanilla raiding in current content was a “fringe” activity that only a small percentage of people were able to fully engage in. I don’t know that there is any such thing as a “fringe” playstyle, just different playstyles with different numbers of people that partcipate in them.

Because only a small number of players participate in a particular playestyle doesn’t make it somehow illegitimate. As for mutli-boxing, Blizzard, the ultimate arbiter of such things for WoW, says multi-boxing is a legitimate playstyle.

its literally the only argument you’ve got. everything else about multiboxing is inherently detrimental to the game. its 100% a cash grab for blizzard and they could care less

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In your opinion, I happen to disagree. But I’m off for a workout and some shopping, and a little multi-boxing when I return :wink: So have a good afternoon.


yeah thats what i thought