Multiboxing - Extremely Positive Asset for WoW Classic

Yeah, I should just ask if there are any close knit leveling guilds on my server, but something about my pride I guess is like “nah just wait and join a raiding guild @60”.

Did I mention I’m the biggest hypocrite here?

Yeah but when you start arguing in the context of hypothetical situations that don’t practically occur on a regular basis in game, it becomes a matter of whether or not it’s even worth arguing about in the first place.

E.g. yes, someone could play 5 accounts and run a dungeon “on their own” essentially. Is this type of thing seen a lot or even necessary in the actual context of the game? Not really. I mean, you can solo DM tribute runs with a hunter, and there are videos on how to solo DM east jump runs as a mage and warlock, which imo is a more of an issue than someone taking the time to “pentabox” dungeons on their own.

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good luck and keep being crazy i guess

yeah but that hunter is much more constrained as to how well it should play in order to beat that dungeon versus a multiboxer that can do it with much less effort

I would seriously bet you that a single hunter that knows their tribute runs or a mage/warlock that knows jump runs would beat the absolute pants off anyone trying to pentabox it, in terms of time it takes to clear.

i refute your statement


…Weird nothing’s happening…

thats cause your statement can be refuted as easily as it can be posited

“Dodgson! Dodgson! We’ve got Dodsgson here! See? Nobody cares…”

Coming full circle with the Jurassic park references

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No, I mean exactly what I wrote

Bro stop.

You play on the most popular servers and try keyword try to grief people. Sitting on PVP vendors in MOP for months, Every single day sitting on the portal from Warspear in Tanan Jungle. Now you try to camp Blackrock Mountain but you are bad and have to hide from 5 random mages.

You are not innocent. Any sort of relivance you have is tied directly to the 40 accounts you pay for.

Nah. I have to fight over mob spawns with all kinds of players, and multiboxers have never once been the issue. If anyone is hogging all of the mobs it almost always a single mage.

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i can attest to this. in open world questing i dont encounter multiboxers. this is due to multiboxers almost exclusively spending their time in dungeons to net the most profit.

What we have learned in this ridiculously long thread is that there are like four people on forums who absolutely hate the idea of multiboxing with a passion. Their hatred all seems to boil down to someone paying more to have access to multiple accounts and using them in sync, which is a strange thing to be so passionately against, seeing as it has been an allowed thing in MMOs since before Vanilla, and isn’t going to change.

It is not a major game issue, nor is there an easy way to define/identify who is multiboxing and how. And trying to stop people from having and using more than one WoW account is not only nearly impossible, but would anger way more players than just the handful of multiboxers.

There are plenty of other bigger issues with the game to focus on, which actually warrant a fix.

You can do almost anything a multiboxer can do with a single mage, in case you are frustrated with gold farming. Maybe spend the time leveling one, or paying someone gold to, instead of arguing in circles on here until it devolves into insults.


easily identifiable by a three second glance at the characters being on follow and 1 character leading them 100% of the time. and the solution would be an ip ban.

definitely true. it still doesnt warrant one player playing 5 characters at once.

LOL. Easily identifiable by whom? Who’s to say it not just a guy leveling other people toons? How would you prove they are multiboxing? And what defines multiboxing? Your suggestion isn’t really rational, fair, or worth the time, money and effort. I don’t think you have thought this through beyond identifying what you believe to be a major problem, and your hand waving solution. VPNs would make the IP ban easily beat.

ip bans are free. its easy to identify a multiboxer because they are 4 characters following another lead character and they all cast the same spell at the same time or equivalent. this is the most rational, fair, and worthwhile discussion to have about classic if you care about the game.

It’s a museum piece that has had multiboxing in it since the beginning. It has way bigger issues with it that actually negatively affect player experience. Your arguments against amount to, “It’s not fair to pay more to have more access.” Your solution is hand-waving based on player assumptions/reporting, investigation time by a GM, with little ability for them to see how play is synced, and ineffective bans. All for something which the company who make the rules isn’t even against.

Methinks you just arguing in circles for the sake of extending a thread at this point to get attention. Good luck. Everyone can see it’s the same few people crying about multiboxers. Maybe move on?

its a matter of fair vs unfair. its unfair to play 5 characters at once. my goal isnt to extend the thread but rather to quell all the BS

I’m sorry you think that. Maybe it’s not fair, but there is a lot in the game that is not fair, affects gameplay way more, and maybe standS a better chance of getting fixed. I doubt it, though. I think we are all stuck with the hot mess that is melted Vanilla.