Multiboxing bans just turned into Mass botting

What about an IP ban then?

I hadn’t even thought of that…

IP bans are always a bad idea.
Ive ended up with lists of innocent users caught up in IP bans before. It was enough that I had to find other ways to try to block bot accounts on my sites.
They eventually get past just about everything you try at some point or another.

They were a problem.

However, they were just a piece of the puzzle and Blizzard failed to address the bigger picture.

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I guess we will find out when those accounts stop being able to log in :slight_smile:

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You’ll have a hard time finding my guild leader because he doesn’t multibox farm. He only boxes to level alts.

He leveled three toons to cap at launch. I’m sure people reported him in a fit of antibox hysteria. People sent him tells instructing him to end his life. He’s still here.


Google buy wow gold and report back.

am i supposed to feel any pity for multiboxers?

get rid of both of em ; multiboxers and bots :wink:

i feel like someone should let you know that the term is “scape goat”.

(unless of course your goat escaped)

sounds like a nice populated location, hopefully a few people will take the incentive to report.

and it’s just one tiny location, on one server group. :expressionless:


It’s a big thing in places like bali for example. The cost of a wow token is currently 110k you would need 2 in order to purchase a store mount for example so that’s 220k. You can farm that with herb solo in what 2-3 hours max then “gift” store mount for $10 USD. Do a currency conversion and that $10 is now $138,990 Rupiah. The average rent per week in bali $120,000 Rupiah so in 2-3 hours you just paid the weeks rent.

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That’s fine but what about the alt or new player who needs to quest in that area? What about other players who need to skin to make gear for themselves?

Is that teeny area not for them too?

i think you took my comment out of context.

WAY out of context.

i wasn’t saying “oh it’s fine, leave them be”.

i was stating that this happens on every server, in multiple locations, old and new, and it’s a big problem.

Ban the bots and anyone that enables them, purposely diminishing other peoples gameplay and gold-making ability. They are driving down prices on herb, mining nodes along with a multitude of other materials thus hampering our ability to use current features and content to make gold. I don’t pay a sub along with the vast majority of the player base to play in a world where cheating is so apparent and brushed off so easily.

Anyone that says bots benefit them are completely delusional xD

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My apologies…I see that I did take it out of context.

Absolute degenerate players in these comments defending botting for their own perceived gains, ban them too imo …

Wow! Scary impressive. How can that line not look so obvious?! Also seriously surreal. Thanks 4 sharing!

I guess they will have to just make it so you can only have one account currently subbed at a time. Multibotters ruining it for everyone else, once again.

How were they multi boxing prior to the software being available?

KVM. One keyboard/monitor/mouse hardware linked to multiple machines.