Multiboxing bans just turned into Mass botting

There isn’t a cause and effect thing here. The bots were gonna bot, regardless. We don’t need stealth multiboxers coming in here and saying, “See, our pay-to-win methods were just fine!” (Yes, it’s pay-to-win when you pay for multiple accounts in order to benefit over the average player who only has one.)

Basically, until Blizzard actually does something about the Druid class, specifically Boomkin, this is going to be a problem. The class needs to be like other classes, as far as cooldowns, AOEs, etc. go THERE’S A REASON ALL THE BOTS ARE BOOMKINS.

But there are some obvious other problems with the game, specifically with SL, and the whole of Blizzard is either on vacation or really don’t care, given that absolutely nothing but tiny, relatively trivial fixes are happening. They need someone to come in and shake things up, but that’s not going to happen. The game is on the decline, but people are still getting checks so who cares, right?

Bots were never using key broadcasting software to begin with.


are u saying that all the cringy multiboxers turned to botting because yeah we knew mutiboxers were kinda… losers

Why? did they hurt you?

no botting has always been like this, this is just first time it’s been brought public attention

Why would my friends hurt me?

I think you misunderstood what i said.

“You” managed or “blizzard” managed? There wasn’t a noun.
I have only seen multiboxers in game like 6 times since 2004. I don’t think its that big of deal.


Nah don’t do anything, right now I am not lagging, and the server is working at optimal efficiency so leave the game alone Blizz

this isnt the first time

i remember when most BGs were filled with bots, or like a ton of other circuits bots would run

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I mean I hate both equally but the problem isn’t between the players it’s Blizz’s incompetent handling of the situation. Blizz is the leading MMORPG on the market yet they run this game like some 3rd world developer from Guam.

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no multiboxers were 100% an issue. they’re all really upset they can’t mass gather herbs and ores anymore without exerting an ounce of effort

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I would resub ALL my old RaF accounts before the launcher finished updating.

Old world botting got even cheaper since the base game doesn’t have a box cost, so they can just pay the sub and get everything pre-SL…

Lol at all the boxers saying that they weren’t the problem. Guess what, the majority don’t like you either. Just because people still cheat this game doesn’t mean the vast majority don’t appreciate that blizzard is moving ina direction to remove boxers. Thank you blizzard for banning 3rd party software, please be vigilant and do another banwave for these botters.


Maybe the multiboxers where keeping botting to a minimum because of competition? Ehhhhh?

Not really. Can just have all alt accounts on /follow and have windows shrunk down and just manual click through all windows ts really not any big issue at all. If a person wants to mass farm its not really any harder then b4. Mearly the rules changing.


What did you think they were fixing? And what does it have to do with botting?

Precisely this.

They are either incompetent or simply don’t care, and either one is bad.

Guess what, you don’t speak for the majority. You’re just a gnome.


So my experience in AV with a multiboxers was wrong and I’m a liar,interesting . They were not and escape goat they knew actually what they were doing. Botting was always a problem and will remain a problem because there is really no way to tell if they are except for trailing and repeat feats,not to leave out under mapping.

