Multiboxing bans just turned into Mass botting

Report them, Blizzard does take action on it.

What the really need to fix from their end is their bot detection system.

Yep, I was thinking the other day of what the forums would be like if Blizz swung hard in favor of boxxing and provided from the launcher the capability to box like before for everyone using a single account :grimacing:
oooo the forums would be a circus :rofl:

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Boxers have been very polite in my experience. Solo players not so much.

He didn’t say they got banned, he only said he got an email.

Very true, now if I had 5 or more accounts that have become basically useless if I use the software because they will be banned if I do, what do I have to lose by using those accounts to actually bot until I get caught.

We know Blizzard bans in waves after months of collecting data, so I know I can ravage the landscape until the wave hits. Afterwards switch back to my main and roll in the gold like Scrooge McDuck.

You ban the boxer guys, and Blizzard really didn’t think this through. And now we wait till Blizzard does the ban wave, and put up with the boomie explosion in the meantime.

Good times

No they banned software broadcasting. multiboxing is still within the TOS

I love this. :joy: :rofl:

I don’t even care if it was some autocorrect thing, I’m using this all the time now.

Yea except I’m pretty sure that’s what he is implying.

Yeah, I ran into the same thing in bastion, I was going to report, but just shook my head n laughed n said, why bother, n went on my merry way

Both are bad both shouldve been dealt with together. We should not be in a situation of whether its 1 or the other both are bad both need to go.

Dependinf on how many you want to mb, with 5 I can use just the 1pc more than that I need to turn on my second

Would of been easier for them just to limit how many characters people could use to multibox with, instead of banning the software imo. I mean bot hackers don’t need multibox software anyways, and never have. Lets say they limit it to 5. Heck it would be easier to report someone for running more than 5 characters at once, than it would be trying to determine, if they were just alt tabbing between toons, or using software imo.


Here is how to make these botters go away and make the community and blizzard a bit more happy.

  1. Right report > Provide necessary info such as time, location, and what it is doing.

  2. Blizzard bans(sometimes) that account.

  3. Botter buys the box copy and another subscription which gives blizzard more money.

  4. Botter does same thing again.

  5. Repeat 1.

Although it does not happen quickly, but usually the next day I don’t see those same druids or hunters afk farming the spot I go back to quest. At least from my experience.

But seriously though, screw these disgusting cheaters that try to pay to win or screw the economy.

Gold also has a real world currency value. While seliing gold for $ is against tos it does have loop holes with the wow token. You can convert gold to bnet balance with the token. Then you use that balance to “gift” in other words sell mounts, toys, games expansions to other people cheaper than what the store cost is. For example oh you want the new store mount for $20 how about I “gift” it to you and you send me $10 via paypall. This doesn’t fall under the tos so a nice little loop hole that people use to make money.

That is one bot - they were using that software that was banned to do things like this farming, with multiple characters.

If I ever see you multiboxing and it is obvious that you are using software to focus cast and target mobs you will be reported as well.

My guild leader uses multiple computers and a synchronous kmv switch. Their toons act at the same time, no software required.

Hopefully I see him in the wild so I can submit a legitimate report.

What he’s doing is perfectly legal.


LMAO…if its HARDWARE driven there literally isnt squat you can do about it.
Bliz banned the keyclone SOFTWARE…you still use hardware to box.
Ifyou did report, it wouldnt be ‘legitimate’ in the way you make it sound