Like great you banned multiboxing… now you just have 1000X more druid bots doing the exact same thing. Blizzard you didn’t fix anything.
some of us tried to tell you guys that multiboxers weren’t the main issue, but you didn’t want to hear it
Oh no I knew botting in general was a issue but this has gotten beyond dumb at this point. I just walked around bastion a bit and ran into at least 6 different bots.
Actually, they didn’t ban Multiboxing, just the key broadcasting software that some was using and abusing.
Yes, the endless and mindless “Ban multi-boxers and you’ll save us from bots!” threads had to have been a part of this…and of course, they people yelling about it being the case were wrong.
I get mail from Blizzard all the time!
This never happened
I still don’t want to hear it
Managed to get rid of a few long terms players from my guild that 5 boxed (mostly for running old content and mount collecting) with that change but the bots are still running rampant.
Anything that nets enough materials to individual players in quantities large enough to warp the market is a serious problem, regardless of if it’s a bot, a software-controlled multiboxer, hardware-controlled multiboxer, or just a dude who’s really handy at controlling 5+ accounts across multiple physical keyboards.
The only way mat farming on that scale should be possible is with multiple real people involved… if a guild wants to farm mats and sends a party or small raid to go out and gather, that’s perfectly fine. When one person can exclusively reap the benefit of multiple players it screws things up and all well qualify enough for market manipulation to get a ban. It’d make matters easier for GMs to manage if nothing else… just drop the bannhammer on any obvious single-person mass farming operation, no matter the method.
Couldnt have said it better , id even push it further with how too many alts also affects the kind of rewards given . Having 50x lvl 90 in wod racking in 3-4k a week vs 1-3 from mission tables really did lower the ones after it .
The two guys above me are funny
I’m sure you realize that botting is a bannable offense too…right OP?
basically, if you want to multi box you have to have the hardware for it and the sunk cost should be the deterrent, while allowing a more focused target of anyone using key broadcasting which then should only affect bots but what happens when robot at the computer does the botting? are we just not there yet for it to be considered or is that somehow covered?
They didn’t ban multiboxing though. Where are people getting this false information from?
A kvm switch cost $20 not sure how the cost is a deterrent
Why do people keep complaining about cheap materials ?
The skew you speak of makes flasks potions etc cheaper for everyone …
thought it included needing multiple computers vs 1 being able to act like multiple computers.
I do too, at least three a week which is the most active I have ever seen the ban responses. They are going ham with it. Big impressed.
Not true. I had 5 accounts, but let 2 lapse.
I have never used key cloning or hardware. I just put 1 in the lead and 2 on follow. I do questing to achieve my goals, and rarely gather.
Bots usually work alone. Each has its own program. So warden will not detect them, because no key cloning is involved. Good job in changing nothing though, post 1 forum OP alt.
these are the same people who screamed that multiboxing was the root of all evil
…when they should have aimed their outrage towards botting, which was (and still is) the ACTUAL problem
nobody said they were bright