Multiboxers ruin the game

I remember back at the BC prepatch. you could farm netherweave from the ghosts outside Karazhan. I remembver a stack go for 5000 gold and that was vanilla rates.

Cheese with a heavy portion of w(h)ine.

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It actually doesn’t bug me, a little annoying mebbe when they’re on my team in a bg otherwise it just makes flasks and stuff cheaper so cool for me you know

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I have bad news. Almost out of Wine.

Good news: I’m a two minute walk away from a hostel with a small liquor store.

I multibox…don’t be mad that I can do dailies on multiple toons at once saving me time to do other content in game.


I do have to admit. The idea of being able to level up 5 alts at a time seems pretty awesome.


A very small section near Nalak where the boomkins hang out. Most of the mobs on the island are utterly valueless.

the trolls drop some cool transmog. I believe recolours or even just reuse models of old ZG/ZA mogs?

I, uh, what? If it’s so easy, which you claimed it to be, then many more people would be multiboxing than there are now.

So why do they ban people for violating rules, even if they don’t hurt anyone else?

No. The actual problem won’t get fixed if there’s no focused feedback on the problem. The anti-multiboxers are tripping themselves up over their focus on the wrong end of the problem.


Ah yes, the wildly overused “I don’t have a problem with <insert problem here>, so it’s not a problem for the entire playerbase!” ‘argument’.

By that same token, couldn’t you also argue that the reverse “I have a problem and therefore so does everyone else” argument is also wildly overused?


I don’t care if I see one guy, or five in a clump.

No, because everyone doesn’t want to do that (or has the means to do so.)
Most of them are not people getting mythic+ gear/raiding gear with other people, then also going around and five boxing to farm; They are probably mostly farming and most players don’t like to play that way.

No, because it would make no difference if it was one of his guys or five. He isn’t suddenly going to be social, just playing one.

youre nuts.
I farm the entire island for mogs and make tons of gold
I hope you have something better and less dishonest next attempt.

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There are mobs all over the island that are worthless. What do you do, skin them and vend out the skins for pennies?

It’s a very large island. People farm small areas where something specific drops. Absolutely no one has pulled the entire island.

go foam your jokes at someone who DOESNT farm it every week guy…I KNOW how much I make.

and next time READ and PAY ATTENTION…or DONT waste my time respondiing in my direction.
The mogs that drop on mobs ALL OVER Isle of thunder sell well and for 5k-25k very easily.
that you dont know that just tells me you aint farming it

Sure you do. Sure I believe you that you pull hundreds of thousands of valueless mobs at the same time over many square miles to loot a small number that drop something valuable. NOT.

dont need some no name on this forum to believe me.
I know how much gold I make
Pathetic that youre even talking about it when you clearly havent got a clue LMAO

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Everquest p99 does 1 account per home through IP Restriction does not stop people from MB. :thinking: Stop Multiboxing is like stop botting very hard to impossible.

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