Multiboxers ruin the game

Well yea, but if you want to multibox, you personally don’t need to pay $150 a month to do that. So the barrier to entry for multiboxing is really just if you want to put up with the effort of doing it.

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Dude multi boxing is so fun I can’t wait to get home to my 5 characters so I can farm to pay for my 5 characters so I can play my 5 characters so I can

The hourly quota of farming required just to break even on a multibox without paying out of pocket is a big turnoff for many.

You’re looking at like 6-12 hours a month of farming herbs minimum before you even start making gold which is going to burn you out fast over a number of months.

So uh, then why are people multiboxing at all then?

The only point where multiboxing is “annoying” is with Zin’anthid. And the actual problem there is with the plant itself. Blizzard screwed up by putting such a highly desirable crafting material in one zone. Especially now that it’s older content. So that means there are fewer Nazjatar shards. And fewer shards means more herbalists in each shard. That’s the root of the problem people have when they complain about multiboxers. But the anti-multiboxers never want to discuss the actual problem. They just keep harping about multiboxers because what they really want is to get rid of competition.


Because multiboxers are NOT average players. They take flight form craps on average player herbalists and sometimes miners.

The thing is… I’m aiming for a workaround that targets Blizzard’s greed without relying on their competence. Blizzard can - and will - repeatedly make this mistake. Learning from their errors is fundamentally not their way of doing thigns. They double down, if anything. So gotta try to circumvent the problem (or mitigate it, in my case) any way you can.

It’s cynical, but I really do expect another Zin’anthid-esque screw up next expansion and in every one after it.

It’s pretty much the same story in every game - nobody cares for multi-boxers other than multi-boxers. I’ve multi-boxed and enjoyed it in various games, but if we’re being honest - it’s just buying power. It’s not healthy for an MMO - it allows a portion of the population to purchase an advantage over the remainder of the community. It offers no substantial value to the community - only to the individuals who MBs.

All that said, I can’t fault the multi-boxers. It’s a satisfying way to maximize your game-time, which really opens up the fun of certain systems. It falls on Blizzard to address the problem and they’ve proven for years that they aren’t up to the task - so it’s likely a reality we just have to live with.

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2 for 1!

I love this game.

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I mean, this is definitely the issue on my end. I’m not even necessarily pro MBing. I don’t do it myself, and I don’t know anyone who does. But the people presenting the idea on here just make it really easy to not want to agree with them.

I’m not saying that no Anti-MB has a point. I’m saying the vocal minority who keeps yelling “ban a subset of players because I don’t like the way they play” is not going to help anyone’s cause.

true enough. In the end Blizzard still get their money.

It’s also used as a pejorative, especially on these forums.

But you just said it was super simple to set up. So you should be seeing a bunch of “average players” who are multiboxing.

Activision-Blizzard makes billions of dollars a year. Whatever income they bring in from multiboxing is a very small drop in that bucket. They could easily ban them and not even notice. Just like they ban far more people each year for actually breaking the rules.

Yeah, because of all these anti-multiboxers who focus on the wrong thing instead of giving solid feedback about the actual problem.

Video I just watched from a month ago showed a guy herb farm for about 30 minutes and throw it up on the AH for 50k gold. I think half came from anchorweed and he said it was a bit of a good run and it probably won’t sell it all in the first round, but you know what? This is at the end of the expac too. Every expansion launch and patch launch is always when it’s most lucrative.

So you’re looking at farming 5-7 hours a month to keep you afloat. Let’s just make that an even 8 for 2 hours a week. Seems like a helluva deal.

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Soooo, we gonna pretend that Activision - notorious and hated for milking beloved series until it kills them - doesn’t have their tendrils in Blizzard at this point?

Also, I was responding to a post whose main point was about the herb, of course I’m gonna mention it when responding to him.

I had no idea. I didn’t intend it that way, at least. I don’t have any resentment towards the big spenders.

Those players aren’t not multiboxing because they’re too stupid to figure out how to set it up, lol.

They will always do what makes them more money - a hundred little things adds up. It’s their job and duty to their shareholders.

Because the actual problem won’t get fixed, but you can at least put a band-aid on the woon. Blizzard really likes designing zone-exclusive content as of late, and it’ll be a while before we can shift them away from that mentality.

I’m just saying the time investment to pay off seems quite lucrative. Not like you have to farm 30 hours a month to break even.

Stap! stap! I need an adult.

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During the BFA pre patch, there were elementals in Darkshore that had a very low chance to drop 1 monelite ore if you mined their corpse - these single ores were going for thousands of gold each and selling. The beginning of an expansion is soooooo lucrative

I really dont care if you do or not.
What I do know is MBers ARENT the problem you CLAIM OR theyd have been dealt with many YEARS AGO.

And I farm Zin myself…havent had a single problem with MBers.

If it’s not against the rules, it’s not cheating.

You don’t get to decide what is or isn’t cheating in someone else’s game.


It’s not cheating it’s just cheese

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