Multiboxers ruin the game

How does that work if you live in a house were multiple people want to play on multiple accounts?


They will allow you up to two accounts but only after you have messaged them about it. But two accounts per house hold is their limit…

Okay…so that’s Everquest. Last I heard, their ToU don’t apply here to WoW.

That sounds like a terrible business strategy. I guess it works for them, so what do I know, but something like that might actually be enough to make me step away from a game financially speaking.

I do want to clarify that I’m not shooting the messenger on this. You were just explaining how EQ does it and that it doesn’t really help. I just think they must be out of their minds.


VERY easy to cloak our IP address. Its been a thing for a pretty long time, even before it was a thing, lol.
Theres no way for those other games to stop someone from MBing who is determined to do it, anymore than they can stop major institutions websites from being hacked.

P99 is a private server that Daybreak took under their wing but do not operate themselves. The admins that run it make no money off of the server.

even worse then…

I mean fair enough. Their server. They can do what they want, and I guess they probably have people to play it, so like I said, what do I know.

I wouldn’t touch it is all I can say.

horrible, really.
What if you have a college dorm with half a dozen people wanting to have accounts?
This sounds like a bad joke.

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I mean. We have three people here who all play wow together. Sometimes the SO comes over and brings a laptop. That makes 4. We’d be right out.

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They do it to enforce interdependcy that in combination with the removal of the in game map, Brokers and quest trackers. It pushes players to look to eachother and seek knowledge to make progress and get things done. But now we are going off topic lol

Almost like lifeless blobs on the forums spamming the same thread over and over.


I’m sure some people find that fun. As mostly solo player, that’s about as appealing as a chipotle enema.

lol yes if you enjoy solo play then P99 would be the tenth level of Hell for you.

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That’s still a bit silly. I’ve seen some people who talk about their whole family playing WoW.


There are mobs all over the island that aren’t worthless. Pretty much all mogu and troll mobs have the same drop tables.

Just pulled up a random item Ive gotten somewhere on the island
going for over 10k right recently…
dropped by 96 NPCs apparently.

I never DONT make plenty of gold farming all over the isle.
Its almost hysterical to hear someone claiming they cant.


What’s a ‘woon’?

Why? Oh, because you think random people on the forum need to prove themselves to you.

Yeah, they don’t.

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stop calling them “multiboxers” as that’s an entirely different thing. A Multiboxer is someone who loads up 2 or more instances of a game, sets them to follow 1 character, and then boosts them through content.

What is ruining the game is MULTIBOTTERS, these are the people who are using 3rd party programs to automate each of those characters into performing the same action that can only be performed with one character otherwise. This is a flagrant disregard for the rule “1 key press 1 action” that Blizzard has stated. 1 key press and 5 or more characters performing the same action is still 5 or more actions and is 100% botting. It requires the use of an unsanctioned hacking program, and yes, it is hacking by the very definition of the word hacking, to achieve something a person cannot do on their own.

" Hacking is an attempt to EXPLOIT a computer system or a private network inside a computer."

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