Multiboxers ruin the game

You got any proof to back up that claim? If they were actually detrimental at all, they would have been banned outright instead of having various restrictions placed upon them over the years.

I always chuckle at the alts posting on here. You see the same argument being made, verbatim, among like 4 toons. It’s like, either you’re alting, or you boys need to see me after class cause someone is copying someone else’s homework.

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I mean, you’d need enough capital (whether it’s balance by purchasing WoW tokens with gold, or cold hard cash) to purchase 9 more accounts, and have a computer good enough to not melt your CPU/GPU when you run 10 instances of WoW at once, too…

Oh this is getting interesting now

A what?​​​

First glass down, second one pouring shortly.

Also, 240 expulsom! A little bit under halfway there.

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Bruh, youd have to unlock bfa pathfinder twice if you played 10 accounts, that is not one night of work lol

TBH I used to not care much about MB and its impact to WoW (and I still kind of don’t), but I’ve been thinking about their impact to Retail WoW recently, specifically with their impact on gold farming since they changed all nodes to be shared taps it really puts their impact into perspective.

I just watched a quick little video someone did back in March where he farmed herbs for 30 minutes as a 5 boxer and put it up on the AH for 50k gold in total. Assuming that all sells that’s 100k an hour and that’s at the tail end of the expansion.

Which, you know, means that for 5 hours of farming a month he can support his 5 boxing team no problem. It really makes you sit there and say “Damn…why don’t I just do that then?” There’s a nominal startup cost, but shelling out 200 bucks for four more accounts isn’t exactly earth shattering for most people and after that you’re set for life. MBing used to be about that loaded guy who just wanted to pwn you in BGs, but now it’s about setting up a snowballing gold factory.

… because most people don’t care enough about WoW to spend $150/month on it? We’ve been hemorrhaging subs for a decade - can’t even get people to pay $15/month.

The multiboxing or potential “gathering boosting” demographic is a small subset of whales. The same kind of people who own all the store mounts and such.

The main difference, for me, is that single player using a gathering boost is a lot less disruptive to normal people than a multiboxxer is - and the hope is that some players would choose to go with the new option instead.

That’s fair - I didn’t factor in the expansion cost when comparing prices. WoW is not an especially demanding game (although gathering in Nazjatar when a Ruin group shows up would be catastrophic - or a new global energy source?), but does require a mid-tier PC which I’d be willing to bet any current multiboxer already has (and more) anyway.

After the first month or two, their sub fees are paid via tokens anyway… which raises another point about gathering-boosted players buying a single token compared to multiboxers buying many.

You’re right - it’s about double what it is for a single player doing it, since you would have to do WQ in two 5-man rather than one 10-man.

Uh, sure basically every interaction they have in the game

They’re not fun to play with, it’s just some goofball piloting 5 chars because they’re USUALLY awful, even if they’re not they aren’t worth 5 spots of non-multiboxer. They have no place in battlegrounds, too many to defend, also very Zergy and worthless on offense due to aforementioned reasons

Not fun to play against, spam aoe cc on the goon, usually he loses control when 2-3 of his little dudes die and you just finish off the rest and feel bad the other team has a multiboxer

Messes with the economy, several groups of obsessive weirdos can now become the reason some herbs in the CURRENT expansion are now worth less than 5g (lmao dude)

Causes dungeon and raids to have to be nerfed because they just march 5 chars into 5 instances and make IGNORANT amounts of gold (fresh gold, not traded aka not good man)

So yeah they’re awful to play with, they’re awful to play against, they ruin everything they touch except for the gameplay of the (usually) awful dude that has to pilot 5-40 characters and then eviscerate the economy attempting to pay for it

Of course, in my opinion

okay…done. Disregarding anything you have to say now.

I like me some cheap AH prices and the last one I saw was making it super easy to dump aggro onto them when I was in a hurry. I call that a win on both accounts.

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What? Do you have a personal issue with the term whale to describe extremely high-spending players? It doesn’t get much higher than that (aside from sponsored players who use some of that income to buy tokens which fund their BoE purchases)

Wait, can’t a player riding on a flight form druid’s back herb nodes? I distinctly remember, at BFA launch, I rode around in stag form with a friend on my back and zooming from herb node to herb node. (Especially water-bound herb nodes, since In Combat Travel form benefits from an angler’s raft “jump” speed boost, letting you go at ~260-300% movement speed.)

You do know about WoW tokens, right? You don’t need to spend a dime on this game anymore.

So if multiboxing is so easy, then anybody with even a halfway decent computer should be able to two-box at least and double their gold income.

Gah! Should’ve put “I just wanna price gouge!” on the bingo sheet.

I’ll drink to it anyway.


I think you can, I’ve seen several people flying around on multi-passenger mounts with another character riding on them. Even if the secondary character has to dismount each time, that’s still a pretty easy way to two-box with gathering.

Especially if you’re in the process of earning Pathfinder Part 2 on the secondary account.

In all fairness, all tokens that are on the AH was bought and paid for by players. If you look at it from a different angle, Blizzard is getting paid no matter what.

Tokens are even better, brother. They cost MORE than a direct purchase of a month of membership does. Blizzard would prefer you fund your game-time exclusively with them.

The average player won’t pay for two subscriptions because Blizzard is barely holding onto the disgruntled players who are paying $15 as-is.

My suggestion isn’t to eliminate multiboxing - Blizzard won’t do that. It’s to implement an alternative that’s less annoying for the rest of us.

I haven’t forgotten about this, either. Do you know what a whale is? It’s a convenient - and common - term for big spenders (applies to a multitude of contexts - mostly gambling, but it’s very common used by game developers as well).

I’m not fat shaming you or the multiboxers.

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