Multiboxers ruin the game

Ugh, something that is not against the rules cannot be cheating. Cheap, unfair, lazy. Plenty of unflattering descriptive terms that could be used and be way more accurate. It might make people take you more seriously.

inb4: “I don’t care about people taking me seriously. I’m just here to hear my own voice.”

Just because I’m posting on a druid doesn’t mean I multibox.

I’ve been on the receiving end of multiboxers in PvP (like 10 balance druids flying around in Mechagon, which ended up fleeing after being destroyed by myself and three randoms twice) and PvE (the complete lack of Zin’anthid nodes left behind after a multiboxer rolls through) one too many times, though…

:man_facepalming: I don’t multibox. Get over yourself.

Because vendor items*, repairs, and transmog don’t tend to remove hundreds of thousands of gold per character.

* Intentionally expensive items like mounts (say, Longboi) do remove hundreds of thousands of gold per character permanently, but a multiboxer only needs to buy one per 8 licenses under their name (since a account is limited to having 8 WoW accounts) to have all their characters have access to using Longboi, which mitigates the problem somewhat.

As for why gold leaving a server (or being hoarded by AH barons) can be bad… well, let’s just pretend, for a moment, that only the multiboxer and AH barons had allll the gold on a server: Who would buy the stuff that you post on the auction house?

The multiboxer? No, they’re busy flooding the AH with Zin’anthid desperately trying to get more WoW tokens.

The AH barons? They already have all the gold on the server and no one’s buying their stuff, so they’d end up sitting on their hoards like dragons.

Raiders? They probably transferred off when they realized they couldn’t afford even basic raiding materials.

There needs to be enough gold in “normal” people’s hands to have a properly functioning server economy.

(Of course, even if this scenario were true, you could still make gold by farming old raids. Granted, I wanted to gouge my own eyes out after doing it ten times in a row when going for the last bit of gold I needed to get my own Longboi…)

What are we drinking? xD

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ITT - A multiboxer flew past me, therefore my experience is ruined and I’ve been taken advantage of, oh and mUh EcOnOmY.


Technically all of our characters are “lifeless automatons”.

Can we even say automatons? They aren’t even machines. They’re just representations of data that exist in theoretical space that we interpret through the use of machines.

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I prefer avatars…


Oh, great. Now I’m responsible for a severe case of alcohol poisoning. :roll_eyes:

If it makes you feel better I was going to drink without the bingo anyway. Half a bottle of Merlot has been calling to me all week.

I’m already drinking!

Activision-Blizzard pulls in billions of dollars a year. They could ban multiboxing tomorrow and not even notice it.


I haven’t been sober since this became the hot topic of the month.


That’s nice man

I mean, to be fair, my drinking was caused by poor lifestyle decisions and access to woodford reserve bourbon.


Well you can either go back to classic or you can deal with it

Watching a sweaty dude in a YouTube video teach you how to set up a 3rd party program to pilot your bots alts, piloted by 1 input command for 10 characters.

The tradeoff is just an inconvenient night of following a step-by-step guide, not some kind of skill intensive labor to unlock.

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Is that all you’ve got to say? Just how many multiboxers do you think there are for a multi-billion dollar company to care about whatever piddly amount of income they might bring in? They ban far more people for actually breaking the rules each year. That must mean there’s some other reason they allow multiboxing to continue existing. Like the fact that it simply doesn’t break the rules.

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My liver right now…


If it’s so super easy, then why doesn’t everybody do it?

Pretty much, I mean I never said they were ruining the game or anything, just that they’re a detriment to them, which is true