Multiboxers ruin the game

You’re talking about gold leaving the server so it’s not changing the subject.

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After Horde and getting the Brutosaur I’ll work on Alliance AR’s. I have a level 80 Void Elf Priest and want to level a Kul Tiran DK because Undead Pirate Captian (duh).

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not to mention that its BLIZZARDS business, not OURS, where gold comes from and goes.
They said ‘removed’…then when cornered on that point he had to sidestep with ‘moved to another server’ lol
Thats BLIZ business…not his…not ours.

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you mean like the joke of gold being ‘removed’ to ‘moved to another server’ lol?

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I miss Isle of Thunder
My Druid still uses “the Stormbringer” title to this day.


From the post that you oh-so-deliberately cherry-picked from:

I didn’t say it was outright removed from the game.

Oh I did see a “I don’t like it so it much be cheating” post, I think. That might be a full bingo for me today!

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And another shot

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Oh god we should make a Bingo Drinking Game.

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Hallasha was trying to kill me with the idea of using everclear. I’m a bourbon undead plague elf thank you.

Blowing money on the BMAH, vendor items, repairs, transmog, etc. removes the gold forever. It doesn’t even go to another server. So, you’re being silly and not making sense.

Also, who cares if it goes to another server? You haven’t said why that’s a bad thing.

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yeah…I guess you have a point there…and as I said…thats BLIZZARDS concern…not yours.
We BOTH know this ISNT why youre in here complaining about MBing, dont we? :wink:
Its one of two things and we BOTH know it

  • you want more gold for your mats
  • you want more mats

The answer to both is ‘tough’.

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I got 100 Expulsom already while reading this guys keep it up. I need 460 more. ._.

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give him a few posts and a chance to change alts…its coming, Im sure.

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I wonder how many keywords from a single multi box thread we could add.

Botting, cheating, I’m sure there is more.


Hey that’s fine. Makes doing these WQs a lot more tolerable. These posts wont change anything, so I might as well get some enjoyment out of them.

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Yeah, Im working this new Zandalari paladin up so I can run WQs for gear.
Did the rep thing yesterday and just got the questing done on the enemy side. Now just have to ding 120, I think and I should be good.
Watching this joke thread on the upper monitor helps fill in the gaps

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So if multi box is not cheating which by definition cheating it is. Then why can’t I group up all my herbing character on my single account to herb in party? Because blizzard won’t make extra money from it.

Those would work, how about unfair and it’s only allowed because Blizzard makes money? (I’m not sure how turn that into a keyword though.) Edit: Extra money? (Thanks Ahhsatan)

I’m betting a single thread would do wonders for the liver.