Multiboxers ruin the game

are you blind? I saw them all day todoy picking winterkiss for anchor weed in drustvar

My Vulpera is level 64! I need to get him to 120 for a super secret special farm that requires a specific profession setup to use. It’s an odd combo. Herbalism/Blacksmithing. O.o

If that was true, I’d write Blizz a thank you note. :rofl:

You’re so much better at this game than me :rofl:

I’m so tempted just to boost the little guy but I want the Heritage Armor. But a boost is only like 440k…

picking herbs ISNT ‘ruining the game’, dude.
I have SEEN them…they ARENT ‘ruining’ the game.
Well except maybe for poorly skilled farmers, that is.

Yea, I can see what you mean. That heritage armor is one of my favorites.

remember a time when people complained about a huge group of multiboxers killing all the mobs in one zone. If you don’t think that ruins the game while leveling you’re daft.

Translation: I read it on the internet so it must be true.

All the mobs in a zone? Didn’t happen. Put more effort into your fabrications and they might sound believable.


oh YAWN…Ive seen DRUIDS in packs who ARENT MBing doing that EXACT SAME THING!

I’ll take “Things That Never Happened” for a 1000, Alex.


Yes, the gold switches hands. Ergo, it gets removed from one server and added to another. If someone’s buying an extreme amount of WoW tokens on one server, say, a multiboxer, it’ll dry up the amount of gold on that server.

Yup! I got the Highmountian one first before the leveling buff, than Zandalari and Nightborne with the buff, and hopefully Vulpera soon! Than I need to make a time-traveling orc I guess (not too hyped for them).

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just stop dude…you have no argument.
IF it was as your 7 alts claim in here blizzard would have HAD to have done something by now.
No one CARES about your complaining.

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Notice he said “all the mobs in one zone”. Which couldn’t possibly have happened. So he made it up entirely.


You know when someone buys something from the vendor or BMAH it gets removed forever, right?

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Cry babies like the OP ruin the game.


They want to support multiboxing then let them. I wont be spending any of my money on a game that supports cheating. Yes I know you all do not consider it cheating but it is. Not even gonna argue on it

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That’s awesome. I want to make at least one of each of the ARs. There are some I don’t care for as much, but I think they all have things I like.

I farm Isle of Thunder a LOT…and Ive seen like half a dozen players who arent MBing literally wiping a large portion of the island out farming the mobs.
I just join in when I see it.
I dont come crying here about it, lol

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The post you quoted was talking about WoW tokens, not vendors or the BMAH. Stop changing the subject.