Multiboxers ruin the game

It can be done, it just never will be done because it’s a terrible idea.

Multiboxing has been around since UO and EQ. (I don’t remember if the original Neverwinter Online for AOL had any) If the mmo genre were to die (doubtful), I don’t think it will be due to multiboxing.

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Multi-boxing is undeniably unhealthy for the game but blizzard sacrifices that quality for the $$$

What are you talking about?

Right! At this point, it’s just entertainment.

I mean, he can thank MB all he wants. I thank my Alexa every day so she’ll put in a good word for me during the robot uprising. Just because it’s pointless, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t make him feel better. Even if it is silly.

Seems like a lot of people are denying it just fine.


Cool people deny vaccines too

I need to shuffle 560 Expulsom just for a 1/3 of a Blacksmithing and Inscription restock for the weekend. And this isn’t even including the Leatherworking/Engi/Tailoring/JC/Enchanting restocks I did earlier today that needed Expulsoms too.

This Brutosaur better with worth all this scrapping. ._. I’m burning out just scraping.

But this thread is a good distraction. xD

Any requirement to delete all accounts over 1 intending to end multiboxing would hit forum trolls hardest, and they often maintain multiple accounts with many characters for the purpose of deniability.

Actually, a guild that doesn’t want trash a member has posted coming back to them.

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uh…the gold SWITCHES HANDS with tokens guy…it isnt removed. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Yea, that’s a classy comparison. A video game strategy to an actual worldwide health and scientific situation. You’re super cool and edgy. Can I have your autograph?

I am still griding AR rep. Good luck with your mount!

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absolute nonsense.
they dont make enough money from it to make it WORTH IT IF it were actually causing problems.
Learn to farm better. problem solved.


No, that would just be people ignoring the obvious, very similar to this situation

Who should I make it out to?

Which ones do you need? I need like 12k more rep for Mechagnomes but haven’t bothered with it.

Thanks. Was 3.5M earlier but dropped to 3.3M after spending gold on materials to restock. Should easily jump to 4M after the weekend. :smiley:

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I don’t farm herbs or stuff they can farm, but it is an obvious detriment to the game

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Eh, a metaphor’s a metaphor. Even if I think it’s dumb. Make it out to “best waifu Aelody”, and maybe put a heart.

Mechagnome, Kul Tiras, Zandalri, and …Vulpera… Is that their name? Little fox dudes.

at this point I would rather have farm plots to grow all my herb needs

no…theyre not.
Its really that simple.
I DO farm without MBing and even in Naz and I aint seen a single problem with MBers anywhere in the game in going on three years of play now.
IF this was as big as YOU all claim, Id have seen something by now, lol


Conspiracy: Blizzard allows Multiboxers to increase WoW Token Value. xD Can’t let it drop below 100k.

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Alright Ray Charles

awwww…thats sweet. No argument at all.

And a nice lil head pat for ya