Multiboxers ruin the game

What kind of backwards guild would enforce that nonsense?

On topic: Yeah, multiboxing needs to go and stay go. It’s much too easy to use the other 1/4/7/9 accounts to basically print money (by running old raids for gold and items to vendor) or drain gold out of a server’s economy.

It’s also an annoyance when they’re abused for PvP situations, whether that’s just camping a PvP objective (which can be countered by forming a group of players with immunities or AoE CC’s and bombing the stacked up multiboxer group), or straight up attempting to crash the server (like some 40-man multiboxers spamming all the toys in their toybox all at once to overload the shard and crash it).

whew…they need to make this a prohibited topic in here, lol.
NO…they ARENT ruining your game, alt.
Learn to farm right and they wont be a problem.


I’m convinced it’s the same person. I wonder if they think they’re actually fooling anyone.


ONE post. and we’re really supposed to believe this OP’s VERY first post ever just happens to be about MBing, LOL.
Aint buying it. Just one more alt, no doubt.


Or you could have problems with things like apartments or any other places that could have shared internet access.

huh…this sounds oddly similar to other arguments in other MB hate threads :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

It upsets me greatly…

ROFL please explain how.

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no doubt its the same of maybe three persons tops in here who make these threads. Im doubting that its even three total.

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Need to start making a chart.
:white_check_mark: Less than 100 posts.
:white_check_mark: Posting on a Classic character (so you can’t see they have the same Honor level as the author of all MB threads.)
:white_check_mark: Ton of strangers upvoting the OP.
:white_check_mark: Supported by other Classic players.


Can we just let the horse die? Hasn’t it suffered enough?


Just in general, the new toon that starts a thread “I’m a new player, and I think that [insert veteran player screed about issue no new player would be familiar with]” should raise red flags.


especially when they home right in on a hot button topic like the last few have done.
tells me that its someone who cries about this a lot and thinks we’re too stupid in here to figure it out.

At this point, this topic is as undead as your character :rofl:

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Did you miss “(by running old raids for gold and items to vendor)”? As for draining gold out of a server’s economy… You really think the multiboxer’s paying for all those accounts with cash? No, they’re spending the gold on wow tokens and effectively shipping off that gold to other servers.

No I didn’t and that’s what made me laugh. I run old raids on more characters than 10. So… you’re not making sense.

Multboxers refreshing the GD forums every 5 mins just waiting for these to pop up I swear.
It’s the SAME people every thread defending it lol

Yeah I should switch to an alt like the OP does every thread.

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Idk. I’d share my opinion again but… There’s nothing I can say that hasn’t already been said in the other dozen threads on this topic now by the same person.

But this thread will end with it being locked for 24 hours after multiple flags. So we may as well just sit back and /popcorn

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…Do you just not bother to look at the vendor values of items you get off bosses in old raids?