Multiboxers ruin the game

absolute crap joke, guy.
Blizzard allows one ACTION (by the character) per key stroke.
Sorry but this is NOT violated because the CHARACTER (one player or ten) is performing ONE ACTION PER KEYSTROKE just as blizzard lays out.
When the CHARACTER (one player or ten) performs more than ONE ACTION PER KEYSTROKE, then the rules are broken…not until.

BLIZZARD has been VERY clear in this matter by providing an official statement in the matter and in that statement offering HELP as to where to get information about MBing.

YOU arent required to like THEIR rules and exceptions to those rules…but you WILL have to deal with them, sorry to inform you all here.

Yet another alt?

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As a side note to blizzard here.

You seem to use the 'trolling' excuse to suspend/ban over even the pettiest of 'infractions' on this forum. I submit that you add to this list the use of alts, swapping between them, to post trolling thread topics on this repeatedly. This is done by a few people here to get a REACTION out of cause dissension and arguing. It is trolling by the actual intent of the word since it became a thing on these kinds of forums.

What is trolling on social media?

Trolling is defined as creating discord on the Internet by starting quarrels or upsetting people by posting inflammatory or off-topic messages in an online community. Basically, a social media troll is someone who purposely says something controversial in order to get a rise out of other users.

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I’ve maybe seen 5 multiboxers and I’ve been playing on and off since Wrath.

This is a non issue



Just so you know, Blizzard defines botting as using software or hardware that uses an AI to play the game and make decisions for you. Multiboxing doesn’t do that, whether you use software or hardware is irrelevant, a person is still behind the keyboard controlling these characters.

You can quote the ToU all you want, but Blizzard provided an exception here.

It’s okay to disagree with Blizzard’s policy, and you can offer feedback on why it should be changed. BUT when you foam at the mouth, use hyperbole and attack other posters (not saying you), as some that come to these threads do, it just gets the issue ignored.

Also note, if someone posts something that counters what your opinion and viewpoint, don’t make it or take it personal. Let them say their piece, and if you wish to to comment on what they say, do so, calmly. It’s why it’s called a discussion.

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You’re telling me Magni hasn’t kept you in the loop about Azeroth’s WOONS?

I’m sorry but 10 characters performing the same action is NOT 1 action. It’s 10 actions. Can scream till you are blue in the face but there’s a reason the practice is being banned in every other online game, and it’ll be on the chopping block here too. Because it IS botting. You can’t perform these types of actions without a 3rd party program running in the background similar to Cheat Engine.

YEAH…IT IS…and AGAIN…BLIZZARD allows it by THEIR rules…so guy…you WiLL have to deal with it.

As YOU and your other alts have been told…blizzard prohibits AI controlled BOTTING.
BOXING is controlled by the PLAYER, NOT AI.

YEAH…YOU CAN…and it wont make any difference LMAO.
blizzard makes the rules here…NOT you…so get over it.

:rofl: :rofl:
its been in the game since very early on and its still here.
you keep that dream alive…its entertaining

I farm all the time all over this game.
Ive seen THREE boxers farming in all the time Ive been doing it and theyve never stopped me from getting what I came for

No it isn’t, it’s 10 actions being performed by an automated program. It’s not something you can accomplish with just the base WoW program, even if you open up 10 instances of the program. This isn’t a gray area and exactly why we need to start calling it MULTIBOTTING because an automated AI is 100% controlling the actions of 9 of those 10 characters.

And you know you can easily tell I’m not posting on alts by looking at achievement scores, right? So not only are you worried Blizzard will recognize Multibotting for what it is, you’re also paranoid that everyone who hates multibotting is just 1 person posting on alts? Maybe if you guys were more discreet with your botting and not tanking entire server economies, which in turn affects the token sales and incentivizes 3rd party gold sellers, you wouldn’t have to be so paranoid that the practice is gonna get shut down.


As YOU and your other alts have been told…blizzard prohibits

AI controlled BOTTING

BOXING is controlled by the PLAYER, NOT AI.

literally the END…of…DEBATE

" In basic terms, AI can be defined as: a broad area of computer science that makes machines seem like they have human intelligence. If a machine can solve problems, complete a task, or exhibit other cognitive functions that humans can, then we refer to it as having artificial intelligence .

Complete a task…such as performing 9 keystrokes in place of 1

so you claim…and yet somehow blizzard has managed to miss all that.
Just stop…you arent fooling anyone here.

AGAIN…since you missed it.
Boxing ISNT that…and you can rail in here for three more months and it wont change that fact.

I’ve never had that issue.

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Except how many daily posts are there about this problem, exactly? Calling it just that, a problem? A lot, and nothing is being done. No acknowledgement, no blue post on the subject on anything they could do to make changes to the systems in place without completely banning multiboxing. But they don’t.

Then I guess it’s not for everyone, and not everyone can multibox - making it an unfair advantage. There’s your answer, Ran.

Oh look… someone that doesn’t know how loot works in a raid.

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“WIthout completely banning multiboxing”? Do you know how boxing works at all?
moreover you’d notice that most of these threads are made by the same people.

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just KNOW we aint doing it…your side is and has been.