Multiboxers ruin the game

Because they KNOW it aint the problem your alts keep claiming it is.
pretty simple

yeah…they CAN.
You CHOOSE not to, simple as that.
it would be unfair IF you were forbidden to do it while someone else could.
Sorry…there AINT no victims here.

These threads are just made over and over by people that have some form of strange jealousy. They obvious believe that they are somehow denied something, or perhaps see their pathetic gold level on their toons, and think that multiboxers are all printing money hand over fist. You want to see who REALLY runs a server economy? Check one of the lesser used auction houses for the level 1 toon that has been sitting there for 5 months straight. He’s Mr Moneybags.


So skill is an unfair advantage now?

This is the toon I use for the forums. That’s all. In fact, since I started playing again, I’ve never posted on any other toon. Hell, I would have deleted this character because I already have an alliance DK and wanted to clean house, but I wanted to keep the forum recognition.

I don’t need to hide behind toons. I’ll tell people exactly what I think because strangers on the internet don’t effect my decision making.

Because it’s not actually a problem. There is a problem with how Zin’anthid was implemented, but the anti-multiboxers don’t care about actually doing anything about that. They just want to eliminate competition. Nothing more, nothing less.

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Another claim without evidence, surprising. If they wanted competition gone they’d ask for different changes, not that multiboxers(unfair advantage for pay) be removed, sorry.

Specifically, sharding is the problem. If they would have not starting merging server shards with 8.3, we wouldn’t be talking about this.

Wanting to get rid of competition is exactly what they’re doing by targeting multiboxers instead of trying to fix the actual problem with Zin’anthid.

The problems with Zin’athid, include multiboxers.

Nope. Multiboxers are a symptom of the problem. Attacking them won’t solve the problem. Which the anti-multiboxers don’t care about because they only want to eliminate competition.

and they’ll be screaming about druid farmers too if they even could get MBing banned LOL.
There are no victims here. They can MB any time they want to. The game is set up so ANY of us can do it.

Your opinions are duly noted, however, people smarter than you have already defined what they see as botting/automation. They (Blizzard) defines what is and what is not considered automation for their game.

/follow is not automated.

Blizzard’s standard for boxing is “One action per keypress, per instance of WoW”; anything past that may be considered automation.

None of the things you’re crying about are against the ToS.

So what are you so afraid of?


:+1: :+1:
Apparently some in here think they should get to make the Monopoly rules too, Im guessing.

Doesnt seem to be that hard a concept, does it?


Ah yes. The whole “It breaks the rules because I say it does” argument. Should have had Bae add that to the bingo card yesterday.


vaguely sounds like a threat.

edit: there we go…locked for 24 hours…I hope the mods do right and keep it locked this time.


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a couple could just use the vial of sand mount with interaction spurs. Still not acceptable for people using 10 accounts on a single user game period since it’s an unfair advantage.