Multi R1 Account Banned for Cheating

Appreciable, but unnecessary, especially here. We’re well aware false positives happen, they will always happen as is the nature with software.

Good luck with your appeal.


That isn’t what the CS is for, let alone for the rest of the forums. If you need help with something, we can try to help, but this isn’t a personal journal of sorts. We can’t help with anything you post in regards to your appeals, nor the updates.


Understood thank you, I rarely posts here I hope you can understand my sentiment and illogical decision making in a stressful time like this.

@2nd Responder:
This isn’t a Journal, I’m also here for more knowledge maybe someone has had this happen to them before and they were able to resolve it by pre pairing PC data or some sort that may prove their innocence. I appreciate the response but it wasn’t very kindly toned. Maybe it’s the Law Student in me that truly believes in community to either provide us with further knowledge or prepare us if need be.

Happy New Year :slight_smile: Stay Positive and Kind

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Yeah, that’s not how it works - the appeals team looks over their logs and don’t take outside information. It isn’t a court case and the other part will debate on their stands. The appeal is just asking them to review it. They’re not going to be able to tell you what they found as that’s what bot programmers want to improve their systems to avoid being found out.


One of the great things about Blizzard is that they treat everyone the same. Someone who just started playing last week is granted the same level of attention and assistance that a R1 veteran who has played since original beta. Having some sort of prestiege isn’t a metric to be treated any better or worse than any other player. Everyone is entitled to the same treatment across the board.

Now, as to your sanction? A question I’ve seen asked by the SFAs a time or two here of recent, so I’ll beat them to the punch, should they pop in this thread at some point – do you partake of any fishing, substantial or no? Mind you, nothing has been confirmed either way about any particular add-on/bot/what-have-you, but that has been asked a number of times now, so there is something floating around out there that may be focused on that.

Either which way - I do wish you well and good luck with your appeals. Keep at it, you’re allowed to appeal and appeal again until they warn you that no more appeals will be accepted.

[Editing to add…]

Of course they’re not okay with it, but no system is perfect. It’s why the appeals system is available to players, even though it too is imperfect. Time and time again we see the SFAs (the only Blues you see posting here) admit they are not perfect. If nothing else, it only works to disprove the forever screeched-about AI accusations aren’t there. Humans are human. Mistakes can happen and they acknowledge that. Work through the appeals system and they are usually known to make it right for the inconvenience if it is one of those rare cases of false positives.


Thing is, there is nothing more than those who actually do tend to hack/exploit the game to find loopholes in getting around it. Blizzard wouldn’t tell you what the Warden has detected for this exact reason.

Now, sometimes, it may be stuff unrelated to WoW too. Could be macro’s set outside of the game for a keyboard/mouse. Could be another software used for work related stuff or another game. We’ll never know. Only thing you can do is appeal. Nothing here can be done on the forums, and the staff here will not fast track your ticket or change the influence of what the decision will be.


Blizzard will never disclose what flagged your account action. Nefarious organisations would love that information to bypass warden. Do you use your computer for anything other than gaming? Work perhaps with automation software is is what usually trips people up.


Lmao looks like I’m stuck in generic GM response loop even one GM decided to merge this one with a previous chat suspension saying we’ve already responded to you and reviewed everything.

I miss the old days with phone support or even web support this is ridiculous they don’t even understand my issue or what I’m talking about

How do I make it clear that this is a separate issue and not about a chat suspension

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… Wasn’t ever meant to be used for appeals. Usually when you got to it you would be asked to create it under the right option instead - that is if you defeat the evil waiting line beeping sound boss.


Well, seeing as we, as in form goers and MVPs, don’t have any way to see what you’ve said in your ticket, nor what the reply is, we can’t help you. Even then, you could’ve been adding a lot of needless info.

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That was intended for billing and account access issues like lost authenticators. People did misuse it for things it was not intended for like game hints, appeals, bug reports, game feedback, and sometimes just to harass Blizzard staff.

All appeals have to go through the ticket system, and always were supposed to. They are never a chance to debate or discuss. Just an option to have a GM double check that your account action is backed by data validating it. They don’t share anything with you about when, how, or what they caught for the cheating category infractions.

Cheating category is anything that automates any portion of the game including macros that operate outside the in-game macro functionality, botting any portion of the game, exploiting the game/game bugs, modifying game files, altering game client communications or attempting to modify them, etc.


Is it possible that mods/trainers used for outside games could be picked up by Warden? When blizzard checks the logs they actually look at the gameplay within the game right? If there’s a mod running for say Roblox and then I close Roblox and open WoW with the mod still in the background but there’s absolutely no benefit to WoW can that still trigger warden? Is it against the rules to have outside mods/trainers and possibly even cheats outside of WoW that are not used for WoW at all & could that trigger a Ban? I just don’t want to hop on this multi gladiator account and get it banned again for no reason other than a computers false allegation because of some software I have on my PC. What a way to start the year off

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Not just possible, but a certainty.


Yes it is.

First off, it’s not a “computer’s allegation”. A human reviews everything and a human applies the appropriate punishment.

Second off, if you have software on your PC, then it’s not a “false allegation”. It’s 100% factual. You may not like it or agree with it, but that does not make it false. Blizzard may choose to remove the penalty upon appeal, but that also does not make it false.


So if my nephew downloads say a fortnite hack on his PC - that is directly against Blizzard ToS? Even if it’s not directly affecting the game? Nor if it doesn’t even interact with WoW at all?

That seems unfair , but life is unfair so I’m not even surprised

I wish they’d actually review video footage of your gameplay to support this for issues like this.

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For Roblox? I kind of doubt that would do it. I can’t see how that would touch any Blizzard files or processes that Warden would be checking.

What CAN trigger it is software like Autohotkey or multiboxing software/techniques. Even if not being actively used with WoW at the time. If it is running in memory that can do it.

If you want to be as safe as possible?

Totally clean box. Do not run ANYTHING in the background besides the game and a basic browser. Spotify or something is fine as is streaming software if you are a streamer. Discord is fine.

Just keep it very very minimal to only things you need. Never use macros you make outside the in-game macro maker. Never install anything but the Curseforge addons that do basic UI configuration. If something looks sus like it might provide automation or an advantage, avoid it.

I really don’t think so unless that same software can impact multiple games like WoW.

Sadly people are willing to lie, modify screenshots, videos, etc. Blizzard only uses their own logs as a result. Not saying YOU did that. Just explaining why that policy is in place.

There CAN be false positives though and it usually takes a few days for the Hacks team to realize their detection criteria was off, fix it, run the data again, and unban the false positives. It is rare, but it does happen.


Yes. It needs to be removed before accessing any Blizzard game.

Sure, from your perspective. Blizzard takes a much larger perspective, and they are in a 20+ year fight with people who’s sole business is to hack their game and sell their products to WoW players.

If they allowed hack programs that “appear” to not interact with WoW at all, then that’s how the botting programs would be built and Blizzard would have little to no recourse, short of changing the rule to not allow it.

For what purpose? Video playback doesn’t show any of the data happening behind the scenes. It doesn’t show any of the processes that your computer is using, or any outside macros that your keypresses may be activating.

Video clips, live streams, even just watching someone play the game as you or I see it…tells them absolutely nothing. They deal with their internal data, which cannot be faked, cannot be hidden, and cannot be altered. I can alter a video to show Albert Einstein talking on an iPhone at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Doesn’t make it reality.


Watching the goal posts move from absolutely nothing could’ve triggered this, to maybe a file for another unrelated game, to blaming a nephew has been an entertaining read.


Talk to your nephew about cheating being wrong.