If any nefarious software is on your system it just has to be in memory. And after all as a computer owner WE are responsible for everything that is on it and what it does not anyone else. Maybe setting up separate user profiles on your computer so everyone has a separate operating profile to to work with would be a good thing. And don’t let people who are visiting / living with you use your system, you never know what they will do unless you’re watching over their shoulder all the time.
Whats the thing about fishing? I was going for the great sea ray mount and i installed the fishing buddy addon i think its called, and spent about 4 days fishing almost non stop on multiple toons, i haven’t been banned or suspended or anything but i got the mount i think 3-4 days ago, should i be worried??? If you fish too much does it flag you or something as a bot?
Addons in general won’t see action taken against you, and Blizzard is pretty good at spotting the difference between botting and addon usage. If they don’t like how an addon works, they simply break its functionality.
Fishing Buddy in particular has been around almost as long as the game itself, published back in 2008, and currently has 16 million lifetime installs. While the mantra “never say never” rings as true as ever in this case should the author suddenly decide to update the addon in a way that includes automation, it is currently not anything that you should be even remotely worried about.
What I believe Leilleath is referencing is a thread from some weeks back where a simple “do you fish?” query conveniently went unanswered by a thread author claiming they did nothing to deserve the suspension they received. It’ll probably be the closest we ever get to any peek into the process Blizzard has for their investigations with illegal software.
Botting programs exist for a wide array of the game’s facets, but addons are distinguished by operating within the LUA that Blizzard has provided for their convenience. Botting programs are mostly automation, and are written in a way to break the parameters of the LUA in order to achieve that automation.
Ah thank you, i think i remember that thread, shifty little gnome if i recall correctly lol i remember thinking it was funny he just stopped responding after that, well thanks for the reassurance, i must of cast a few thousand times so for a second i was worried
There are the standard profession helpers that display info but you still do the clicking and react. Those are fine.
There are also fishing bots…and some times they have the same names. Just be sure you are doing nothing automated or partly automated at all. Ever. Fishing bots have been around as long as the game has been out too. heh. And they have been banning them for that long as well.
If it is just something off Curseforge it is likely fine.
Ya i only run addons off curse, just in case lol
It’s also possible that said fortnight hack contains malware, and malware doing malware things can set off anti-cheats.
Thank you my ticket has been escalated for review I hope if that is the case they can find out from their own discovery that it wasn’t used for WoW nor to alter any gameplay in anyway, just something related to a non-blizzard title that the warden picked up.
I want to give a thank you to everyone on this post, You all have been great help thank you
In the event they do find that, you will not be told specifics on what it was that got detected. There is nothing the actual cheaters would like more than to know how warden works and what it sees.
That’s fine I just want my account back already prepared to do a clean wipe to prevent this from happening again
If you share your pc with anyone else or use said pc for work set up separate user profiles for each and one for your gaming and WoW. Annoying yes but safer.
Seeing how fortnite cheats involve kernel level shenanigans to evade a kernel level anticheat Epic uses, or that theyre paid cheats (that cost between 50 and 200 per month), this conversation is over. You thought this would benefit you by saying such, but it has done the opposite.
I inquired about this because after speaking with him he actually uses them on his own pc for multiple games and they do not cost around 50-100 dollars that’s hilarious, Brazilian coders sell them for much cheaper prices at the weekly subscription but that’s not even the point of this conversation. Even if that software was found logs will show if it was used to interact with WoW in anyway for cheating or advantageous purposes if anything it only made my device experience lag. & exactly how has the situation gotten worse? My ticket actually received a response where it’s being reviewed by specialist to see if there was actually malicious play , so to say it hurt me also once again shows you have no idea what you’re talking about. Nothing in the ToS states that not having a completely clean device is worth sanctioning a ban, if your device then interacts with the game and you’re exploiting and/or gaining in advantage in the game , you will receive a perm ban with no chance of appeal. People use engine and mods for other games all the time - especially the younger generation it’s when these things interact with your system warden can pick it up and suspect it as such, this is why I could possibly be in the situation I am right now - at the end of the day it’s just speculation it could also be something totally unrelated like examplify or other software I have on my PC. Next time read the whole thread. Happy New Year !
Cheating of any kind is not okay at all. All it does is harm the gaming industry, ruin people’s enjoyment of said games, and generally makes someone a sucky person. If you have cheats in one game, what’s to say you didn’t have them for another, and another? This is legit the “My brother installed the cheats on my pc” excuse. Either way, your appeal will give the answer, and I wouldn’t really hold my breath if I were you.
Thing is, it’s easy to say “Oh yeah it’s installed but was never used on WoW”. It becomes a very convenient excuse. Blizzard fights against automation etc every single day, so it’s only natural to expect a hefty penalty if something is detected by Warden that could potentially be used as an advantage - ie, cheating.
Here’s hoping the specialist investigation goes in your favor, but Blizzard has always have a very hard line approach towards such matter.
Luckily CS doesn’t go off of assumptions they go off of logs as mentioned. As a person of color that grew up in MW2 Era If someone is racist in a video game that ruins the gaming experience, should that person now be banned in another video game without even partaking in racism? The truth will always reveal itself the logs will show that if anything was found nothing was used to interact, exploit or cheat the game - next time read the whole thread please MVP’s have already brought out some clarity. I’ve read elsewhere it can take up to 3 weeks for a response I’m not the first person this has happened to, but I think overall this thread can share some good insight for others out there - there’s another thread floating around with someone who experienced a similar issue - sadly he has not experience the luck I had and has not had his ticket escalated all he can do is try again
Not sure what this has to do with anything. A chat infraction is different to automation/cheating in terms of severity of penalties imposed. It would be rare to have a perm-ban for a single chat infraction - it would take several infractions to reach that, while a 6-month suspension or perm-ban for automation/cheating/hacks is very real.
But I would not be surprised if you will find many game companies striving towards stamping out toxicity/cheating to a point where they might collectively share information on apps and such. Where something used in fortnight might potentially be able to be modified to gain advantage within WoW.
Would it even be considered an excuse? If it’s not intentionally interacting with the game & no benefit nor advantage was given during the process (I’m sure they’ll even review my gameplay internally), that itself shows the user was not hacking or cheating. All it shows is that the account holder is playing on a PC that does has that software downloaded on his PC, not that the action actually took place. Per the ToS - nothing claims you must have a squeaky clean pc, or singular used PC it’s just encouraged - it is your responsibility as the account holder to ensure that you do not break the ToS by hacking, cheating or exploiting in World of Warcraft which I have not , many, many posts are on Reddit with similar stories and positive outcomes I hope for the best all I can do. Either way I take the Cali Bar Exam after this year so I need to step away anyway - who knows maybe I can be the one to lobby for Policy Changes within the state one day. Or - I just get unbanned and this whole thread becomes a thing of the past haha
Let’s hope it’s a favorable outcome on both the bar exam and the appeal.
Thank you ! Def learned my lesson, live and learn they say.
Happy New Year!