MT is just hard no matter what

Me having or not having an achievement in this account doesn’t change the facts of my statement.

They created a challenge mode not meant to be completed by everyone. It offers absolutely no player power and is completely optional.

If you don’t have the time to put into learning it and completing it that’s totally fine, but there needs to not be 100 threads saying I can’t do this please nerf it.

Hard is a relative term. What is hard for one person will be easy for another and impossible for someone else. Doable and overtuned are not mutually exclusive.

The towers are a skill cap issue. Right now , if I had to roughly guess, it’s easy for 1%, hard 5%, and ridiculously difficult / impossible for everyone else. And for the vast majority of players, no matter how much they practice they wont be able to play the game like the world first raiders and the gladiator pvp’ers.

So if its supposed to be hard, fine. But hard for who? Should be just a 1% thing? 5%? 25%?

So maybe just stop telling people it should be hard like its a challenge most people can overcome, be honest and just say it should be tuned so the vast majority of people will never be able to get it.


Why does this matter? Mythic raiding offers higher player power and it’s not designed for everyone to complete. How is the mage tower not offering player power related to its difficulty?

Do you enjoy making up random numbers?

Considering the majority of the player base aren’t super good at the game they aren’t going to be able to compete the mage tower.

If you want the stuff then but the effort in to optimize and improve.

In a content drought like this where game is hemorrhaging players , maybe they should have made it for more than just the top 5% and consequently told the rest of the players to shove off.

But just my opinion. Its fair to say you want content that most people can’t do.

Its not about learning for most people, it tuned so that it is possible but not for most people. Not everyone can play like the top 5%, no matter how much they practice and learn.


I did mention roughly guess. Change the numbers if you want. But it is a fact they tune content so x% of the population can do it and n-x% cannot.

Optimize and improve can only push someone so far before the reality of skill cap stops them.

That’s because it’s supposed to be challenging content.

Then it’s a personal issue.

I’m not going to be upset because Fred in accounting keyboard turns and can’t figure out how to use his character abilities to beat the scenario.

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I’m not saying it should be a pushover for every single person in the game. But I do think it should be doable content for more people than it currently is… maybe tuned closer to what heroic raid is rather than mythic… or somewhere in between maybe. But that’s subjective and if you want to argue for this being doable content for less people, fine. But don’t act like everyone can do it as is if they just practice cause its supposed to be hard.

Actually I don’t really care how hard the mage tower is. I’m just laughing because multiple solo players on this forums have said they want hard solo content and are now complaining about hard solo content.

Too easy for who?
For those who have no life at all and spend 24 hours playing wow? or for the best mage player in the world?

Please, enough already

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There isn’t any difficult solo content in this game aside from the mage tower. I think it should always be available to do instead of being tied to timewalking, but making it easy isn’t rewarding or satisfying to complete.

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That has nothing to do with your statement that it doesn’t feature an increase to player power as if, if it did feature gear drops, that would somehow make it not ok that it’s difficult.

Please try reading again

Sure it does. You’re chastising people for something you’ve not even completed. You’re just a contrarian. Pure and simple.

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No. I’m saying people who are complaining about it being hard don’t really have grounds.

You’re also assuming I haven’t completed it.

Stop using consumables until you can reliably reach the last phase. Consumables will not suddenly make you go from P1 to completion, but they will give you the push you need to finish the last phase.

PS: I wish we didn’t have to use consumables at all. This would have been a good place for templates.

its hard for all.

its hard for all, and most people can overcome it, they just need to be patient and learn the fight. People with higher skill just start at a higher knowledge point.

because if it has no power gains, you can’t argue that it’s manditory for people to do it for whatever reason. its optional.

its literally about learning. its about learning how your class works, and how to handle mechanics. its a scripted fight so that you can get accustomed to the fight.

This is how all content works.

maybe. its doable for way more than you realize.

a major determining factor on raids difficulty is other people.

Mage tower is solo.

more people can do it than they realize.

someone can have knowledge without having first hand experience.

if you raid, do you raid without consumables as well?

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Prove it.

Why are you defending this contrarian?