MT is just hard no matter what

ok? still harder then the rest. but you cant see the difference cuz you done zero.

casuals can do it though

using casual/elite as blanket terms to make things you specifically are failing at seem universally less inclusive is semi delusional

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The problem here is: The people on the PTR typically tend to be ‘bleeding edge’ players, yanno, the M+ folks, the streamers, that sort, and even they said it was fairly challenging but doable on the PTR.

By buffing it to make it harder like Bliz did, they’ve essentially said MT is only for people who play at that m20+/Mythic Raider level

dude I get the frustration, I really do but they could nerf this by 60% and I think you’d still struggle. After 100 pulls you can’t get past 60% on Varris you’re doing something significantly flawed in each of your pulls. You could do another 500 pulls but unless you find out what you’re tripping on and fix it you won’t win.
For example:
If I was in a race and I ran the wrong direction it wouldn’t matter how fast I went or how long I ran. I’m not doing the race properly and I won’t ever win.
what’s killing you in there?

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you really only read what you wanna see dont you.

Here let me solve this for you.

Do you think that the fights are of even difficulty to complete. I already know your answer, but lets see if this guy can figure this out.

overtuned is a hard thing for us as players to decide. How do we know if the tuning is on or not? what are we basing that off of? Only the devs know what tuning is appropriate for the content they made. We don’t really have a say in what something "should’ be or not. The nerfs were very minor and were only there to help mildly alleviate some of the very tight dps checks.

also the PTR is not a good metric to base tuning off of. It has to be easier than intended or else nobody would be able to really test the phase 2’s and 3’s of each encounter. They’d all be stuck progressing on phase 1 haha

there is challenging then there is needing tuning. the op is doing druid which isnt like the others at all.

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stop talking, you are so blind.

blind about what? that some are clearly harder then the rest? then why they keep tuning the same ones?

Duh! It’s right on if I can do it and overtuned if I can’t!

It isn’t the hardest one. And it’s received the most attention with hotfixes.

I understand that it can be frustrating, and it has a lot going on once you reach a critical point in the encounter. But it’s probably easier than all the healer challenges, and several of the dps ones.

tanks is by far harder then all the dps ones and a few healer ones.

Look you aren’t a failure as a player or a person cause you can’t beat this. If you really want to be able to beat it then do everything you can to be able to do so. Otherwise just write it off until you are good enough as a player, or geared enough to cheese it.

It’s all doable with the right gear apparently but stock builds show a clear discrepancy between certain classes that has existed for years now.

Right. They’re supposed to be hard. I guess I just think they should be similarly difficult for each class / spec. They’re not.

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Each class doesn’t have the same toolkit so to think each challenge will be the same isn’t very smart.

This is why people complaining are so funny.

You can’t overhear it.

hey noob ion ?

get gud and code a real game that isn’t actually a piece of crap.?
there is a challenge for you ion even though u can’t do anything right…

Casuals can do it! But keep in mind, it took months of tries back in Legion. It’s a challenge mode, so it’s going to take lots of practice, lots of learning to use every spell in your book.

But also keep in mind that these challenges were tuned around abilities and talents and rotations that we had two expansions ago. And Blizz apparently has no intentions of doing anything about that.

Which one did you complete again? I’m not finding an achievement saying you completed any.

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