MT is just hard no matter what

So here is the thing I am not the best at this game I have played this game for a long time I played from vanilla to cata then took a long break from it until SL. I havent really been much in to raiding, I have been more of a pvp person. I have done heroics and some raids (LFR) Not the most versed. I have folloewed every guide on this mage tower with over 100 tries for the druid guardian I have tried different gear and I have spent over 100k on enchants gems consumables and armor as well. I still cannot pass phase one nor even come close the farthest I can get is around 55-60%. I dont want to give up but I find myself becoming so frustrated I get to the point I am about to rage quit. I get it this is supposed to be a challenge and again I have tried and tried and tried again but I can not seem to get any further. I farmed a few items from Legion raids but nothing seems to help. I am a casual and I will always be a casual gamer. I don’t have the time to focus hours on end with this to get to elite status. I saw the video by that guy pumps while he makes it look easy (smug sounding as well) he is a mythic raider who knows the ends and outs.
Would just be nice to have something like this that even casuals can do. I rambled a lot I am sorry it just extremely frusterating to spend that much gold and take this much time to get some transmogs and bearform skin just to fail over and over.


Yeah… really the issue with certain challenges (guardian drood and resto sham) being so hard is that they are disproportionally hard compared to the other ones.

Like i’d be totally fine with them being this hard if all of them were, but they aren’t.

The biggest issue i have with the mage tower is that there are huge differences and imbalances in the difficulty from one challenge to the next… and probably more of an issue, how much variance there is in the difficulty of the SAME challenge from one class to the next.

The issue, quite simply, is that the mage tower does not present the same level of challenge to everyone.

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That’s generally what “challenging” means.


Stop spending gold right now. if you’re still on phase 1, you have some clear mechanical problems going on.

if you’re actually interesting in advice, please start by giving letting me know your build and strat.


Eh, don’t be sorry it’s fine to be frustrated. Its tuned obnoxiously. Should have stayed as it was on PTR.

Imo, just don’t do it. It’s not worth the frustration of slamming your head against the wall for 200+ pulls.

Wait for it to be tuned appropriately (Even though it should stay challenging and be open permanently).


have you done any? some are on another level

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He’s just one of those people who doesn’t understand that some challenges are tuned WAY differently than others.

Agatha is way easier than the healing challenge.

The healing challenge is way easier for a paladin compared to a shaman.

The tank challenge is way harder for a druid than it is for other tanks.

The problem isnt that people dont like challenges. The problem is that the tuning and balance is objectively jacked, so the difficulty isnt the same for every class



They aren’t really as all of them have been completed.

False. I understand some challenges are easier than others.

Still doesn’t change the fact that it’s SUPPOSED to be hard :+1:


Dude can’t get past phase 1 with every single advantage you can have right now and you’re blaming the tuning? Lol alright

Guardian Druid is considerably harder that most, but P1 in particular isn’t too challenging once you get the hang of it.

I haven’t cleared it myself yet but can pretty consistently make it to P2.

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that doesnt change anything. if you done any at all you would see they arnt equal at all. like get the mount you will see they arnt the same.

Yeah, he’s the prime example of an average player. Alot of average players are raging over this - I’m not because I really don’t give a damn and I won’t be wasting my time with the tower except for maybe the enhance sham one, but the towers tuning is completely whack compared to how it was on PTR


I never stated they were equal. I said they were challenging. As its been labeled CHALLENGING content its supposed to be.

I dont care about the mount as I think its ugly. Even then, me having or not having the mount doesnt change the validity of what I said.

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then you speak with no experience. and have no clue what you are saying.

PTR showed they were too easy and they decided to buff them.

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I do have experience, try actually reading what I am saying .

I know exactly what I am saying. Challenging content is indeed challenging and average players are crying about it.

Nothing about that statement is false.


Well druids in particular feel a little burned because they are very limited in transmog options in the first place.

Once you shapeshift…gg you had nothing for years. Legion was the first time you got anything and the werebear is the only truly distinctive one.

I saw similar arguments with the flail weapon being the only source and the warglaives of azzinoth being the only warglaives back in TBC (though transmog was less prominent).

I do still think the mage tower should be challenging, but I do see where their complaints are coming from.

Maybe a glyph that can give you the KT/Zandalari equivalents as a mog… so you can get at least some variety to your shapeshifts…but something like that that isn’t necessarily just catered to skill challenges. Same way I can go farm a Gleaming Quel’Serrar w/o too much trouble.


yeah lol you done zero. you are clueless.


You cant actually dispute facts so you resort to insults.

you dont have the mount so you done zero. and dont understand it at all.