MT is just hard no matter what

because someone can have knowledge without having first hand experience. did that statement blow past you?

Oh so you’re just a contrarian as well. Gotcha.

If you can’t prove that you’ve completed the challenge then you have zero right to talk smack to people.

Mythic raid and top PvP giving the best gear makes sense as it’s difficult. MT giving recolors of cosmetics and being easy would also make sense.

Now, if MT at least gave new colors of the weapons, I think the difficulty would make more sense.

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Ever thought food wasn’t good at a restaurant? if you haven’t owned a restaurant, you can’t comment on the food?

Dont like a political leader? if you haven’t been in office, you can’t have opinions on laws and stuff.

Is war bad??? if you haven’t ever been in a war, you can’t actually decide one way or the other.

There are many more examples that demonstrate why you’re wrong.

Sounds to me like you’re actually the one being contrarian.

And maybe i missed it, but i dont remember snozh ever talking smack.

I would say, clearly you’re new here but you have over 3k posts. So you defend him, someone that hasn’t completed the challenge but claims they’re all easy, but won’t defend anyone else that hasn’t completed the challenge that says they’re all hard?


Did he say this? can you quote it for me?

Too hard. i wont defend anyone saying they are TOO hard.

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how do you know the vast majority of players will never be able to complete it? How do you know what the skill level of the vast majority of players is? What information is that statement based off of?
almost every wow player I’ve seen on these threads has made the assumption that THEY and THERE skill level is the vast majority of players. That THEY are an example of the many. This is always pulled out of thin air. What if my skill level is the vast majority? How do you know its not?

What purpose would it serve if it was easy though? Do people feel a sense of accomplishment for completing easy content?

Most things that are memorable in this game to me were from completing something difficult.

some people do. can’t relate, but some people do.

Some people really don’t care. Consider how many players have mogs from mythic raids the cleared in legacy.

Though I’m not saying the current MT should be easier, I’m just saying I think they could have done better with the rewards.

Personally I’d probably have done an easy difficulty that gave these recolors and a hard one (the current version) that gave weapon/druid form new colors. Everyone wins.


The mage tower is about mechanics and knowing how to play your class. People are downing it with half gear, greens and fresh 50’s.
The mage tower isnt hard, you just need to understand how the fights work and how to utilise the skills your class and spec have.

Yeah yeah.
That justification is already worn out, please new and not so hackneyed arguments

So is your whining, but you’re still here.

If you spent a fraction of the time you spend posting complaints, on pulls, you would be that much closer. According to your armory, you are posting on an alt because you have KSM. That isn’t a freebie and takes dedication unless you bought it. The reward is a cosmetic item (mount) but you don’t seem bother by that. You are either hypocritical about the mage tower given your KSM achievement or you are mad because you can’t buy a MT carry. The latter seems possible because you went from seemingly no rating to KSM in under a month with no other notable PvE achievements.

The mage tower is all about mechanics. No amount of gear, gems and consumables are going to save you from getting one shot by failing mechanics.

You wanted a new argument, you got it. You don’t put in the time so you don’t reap the rewards. Welcome to life.

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He can’t because I never said that.

I beat all 7 challenges for the MT and I haven’t killed a single raid boss on Mythic or done a single +20 keystone. You shouldn’t be making blanket statements to try and validate your point.

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In principle I’d agree, although there is a large amount of jank to deal with, as well as just randomness that can make the difference between a good run and a bad one… examples from just the guardian one

  • eyes spawning inside statues
  • infernal smash totally connecting but not doing anything
  • ^ missing by a mile and still connecting
  • staring at eyes a foot away when the cast goes off and getting knocked back
  • On pull, sometimes Variss will cast drain and need to be interrupted after 2 damage casts, sometimes I’ve burned him down to 70% and nethers are out before he finally does

… and so on. I’ve managed all but the healing challenge (that’s next on the checklist), but the pile of bugs, randomness, and the inherent differences between how each player’s latency affects their play make it somewhat less of a cut and dry “it’s just skill and knowing your class” affair.

The first phase is free anyway, those are minor inconveniences at best.

Like killing mythic sylvanus is free ,the hard part is the looting.